Vaporizer users

so some of you guys have it at HALF the temp I have it at. So I will try that. Hope it works. Joints kill my asthma so vap is my only choice for now :(
Vaporizer =Next level of administrating psychoactive compounds :)
Pyrolysis aka smoking destroys like 80% of the thc and other active ingridients... Just buy a good vape and u will realize the difference.. I get the same effect from 0.2 g on vape like 0.6-0.7 on rolling paper... + Better taste and its healthy...Thc helps clearing your lungs just like mint does...A Vaporizer has wide use in treating astma... google mullein (it helped me a lot)..
Aint no way a blunt get u as high as vape.. I've heard THC is regarded in some studies as hallucinatory substance... I'd laughed some much till i got my vape and did 0.5 g of honey oil ......(butane extractions) There were sparks and shining stars all around me :)...

Healthy Individual can get more high than the Sick and the Weak.
Vaporizer =Next level of administrating psychoactive compounds :)
Pyrolysis aka smoking destroys like 80% of the thc and other active ingridients... Just buy a good vape and u will realize the difference.. I get the same effect from 0.2 g on vape like 0.6-0.7 on rolling paper... + Better taste and its healthy...Thc helps clearing your lungs just like mint does...A Vaporizer has wide use in treating astma... google mullein (it helped me a lot)..
Aint no way a blunt get u as high as vape.. I've heard THC is regarded in some studies as hallucinatory substance... I'd laughed some much till i got my vape and did 0.5 g of honey oil ......(butane extractions) There were sparks and shining stars all around me :)...

Healthy Individual can get more high than the Sick and the Weak.

I agree, It is alot more potent using one.
I am curious... what temperature do you vape your honey oil at?
Talking oily :) Depends if u want a quick thick powerful choke that will send ya to heaven feeling the one hit wander ... and u will breath out eventually 60% of the thc (max heat in this case) or U can go the long way holding breaths with small chokes... u can pass heaven :) minizing thc waste... :)... I used to be a hit of a bong guy.. so longly i use on max heat.. but now i am an experienced inhaler craving for every thc vapor not wating to waste even one molecule of this healing miracle :) )

On my personal experience always cover the screen with some kind of a herb preventing any leak and waste :)..... And if u do honey oil do it proper cause recently a friend poisoned him with butane or whatever else is in there ... 1st he used crap cheap butane 2 he didnt w8 4 the gas to evaporate fully... Remember - NO BUBBLES !!!
so some of you guys have it at HALF the temp I have it at. So I will try that. Hope it works. Joints kill my asthma so vap is my only choice for now :(

I have severe asthma, joints kill me also. A good bong with a 1 hit bowl is the absolute best medicine I could have ever asked for. Not knocking vaporizers, just wondering if you have ever tried a good bong? As long as I have a bong and some smoke there is absolutely no need for any other type of prescription medicine or rescue inhalers. Go a couple days without smoke and my asthma flares up bad.
Ohh I forgot to say, Yes, you can vape fresh nugs.

Ive taken a small sample fresh nug and put it in my vape wand. When you start to draw the hot air through the whip it instantly drys the bud out from the hot air rushing over it.

Then the THC starts to sublimate. It tastes like regular vapor.

Because there is no combustion you do not get that nasty green chlorophyll flavor that you do when you smoke fresh or barely dried buds.
Good choice :) !! Add water attachment for extra taste :)) It comes with 2 whips so u can quickly figure out.. I posted a pic of mine ..Its hookah style :) The bigger the vessel the cooler the vapour ... And Glass is a way cooler than plastic :)
I just ordered Da Buddah