Vaporizers- Can someone give an old school guy info?


Well-Known Member
I see a lot of vaporizers now days but never tried one? Can you give me the pros and cons of them? Only used bongs and pipes. I also noticed most are very $$$ over $500 with some under $100. Are they worth it? do they wast weed or conserve it vs. other smoking tools. I really like a glass bong so how do they compare? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
It's supposedly the most efficient way to get the good stuff from the plant to the lungs - something like 90% or more efficient. Which I guess would equate to savings in saved weed over time. And if nothing else, vaporizers are a healthier alternative to smoking.

Bongs are supposedly better than pipes, and pipes are supposedly better than joints/blunts. But they all rely on complete combustion of the plant material and in the process a lot of the good stuff is destroyed before it makes it to the lungs (unlike with vaporizers).

Hope that helps.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I got my first vaporizer 2 .5 years ago for Christmas and I love it. I did homework for about 4 months before making my decision. I know people that have bought the cheap $100 units and they work fine for a few months and then the heaters become unpredictable. My decision came down to 2 units.

The Vocano - uses bags to fill with vapor and then you draw vapor from the bag.

The Super Vapezilla - Digital temp display and you draw vapor from a hose.

I went with the Super Vapezilla. It has performed flawlessly on a daily basis. I can't speak for the volcano but it seems to be very popular too. I didn't want to deal with the bags and valves and such. Vaporizers can be very efficient. I would say that I use 1/3 of the plant material that I used to use to get to the same result. I am a medical user (pain) and this thing is the bomb. The only down sides are that when I start it up I have to wait for it to warm up and when I am done using it I have to wait for the temp to get down below 160F to shut it off. That takes about 15 mins. The other down side is that you have to plug it in to use it, so you need power to run it.
There are so many choices out there and you can certainly buy something cheaper than these 2 units, though these seem to last a long time and are well constructed.


Well-Known Member
I had previously owned a cheap vaporizer, it had a copper heating plate glass dome and a tube to suck on. It was unpredictable, was not super effecient, and I broke the glass dome. I have since then bought a volcano (retail+postage=ouch) and it's so good I bought one for a family members birthday.

I like the volcano as once the bag is full it is portable, it's effecient (agree with the 1/3 as above) though it can be cumbersome as you need to plug it in, set it up etc. If you don't travel with it then it shouldn't be a problem and I highly recommend it!

My lungs cleared up within the week, the weed tastes amazing, you don't reek of smoke nor does your house. Oh and it may be placebo but I find the high more intense. On the down side it isn't very portable, they're expensive to buy (I've made my money back in 3 months) and you don't get quite the hit if you use a vaporizer without a bag (which is why I also suggest volcano)

Illegal Smile

I have Da Buddah which I think is the best buy out there at $159. The cheap ones just don't last, da buddah has a 3 year warranty. It is the no frills model of the Silver Surfer which has been widely called the best next to the very pricey Volcano. Da Buddah has all the same working parts as the silver surfer in a plain jane package, built like a tank. It is paying for itself in short order because it uses so much less weed. It takes some getting used to but I have not put fire to weed since I've had it. Visit


Well-Known Member
you say you old skool im puffing since 1965

i use one called the extreme its 299 i like it

digital displ, through hose or with balloon with pump or without (3 settings)

also used as a air freshner to heat pot pouree

it say to set at 200 or 250 mine only seems to work at top settings 450 and 500

unbelievable how many times you can smoke stir smoke stir smoke some more with same weed

dont get something to cheap you will be mad at self and upgrading cause it wont deliver or is to cumbersome

make right choice for you my brother one love

walk in the light


Well-Known Member
i got a digital vaporizer with a hose for 50 bucks from a buddy who owed me... i instantly fell in love... i got higher.. the weed lasted WAY WAY longer.. and the quality and duration of the high was much improved.. the most amazing thing was that every hit tasted like the first hit.. i could lay on the couch with 1 vapo packed, smoke on it for 45 minutes to an hour with fairly consitant puffing, and not only would the bowl last that long, but the flavor was there throughout the entire duration...

sadly my house was broken into and some fucking little punk ass kids stole it.. when i have the extra laying around to get a new one i will in a heart beat tho..


Well-Known Member
I was in the same boat, just started puffing again for some medical needs. Rolled up a few joints, and realized the lungs weren't what they used to be. No way I was sucking on that hot smoke again.

So i built the halogen bulb vaporizer from the DIY forum. I find this to be an excellent machine! I can't compare it to the commercial built ones, because I haven't tried any of those. But after using this one for a week, you'd have to pull it out of my cold dead hands.

It's like a massage for the lungs. And like the other good vapes described here, very efficient. If you're DIY inclined, it's well worth the effort. And building it was not a large job, about 3 hours and mine was up and vaping.


Well-Known Member
gotta cheap 100 dollar vape like six months ago, still workin proper, gets u high as a mafucka and one little bowl gives u at least 3-5 rips, FUCKING BOSS

Illegal Smile

I just remembered the best thing about my vape. I have had this happen several times. I'll take a few hits and not see any exhale and think I didn't get any. So I start to empy it and add more and the phone or something distracts me. Five minutes later I realize I'm ripped and don't need anymore. It's like finding money.


Active Member
i guess im no old timer but i can give you some input. went to a friends house, he said he got a new smoking piece, i assumed it was a bong. went there it was a vaperiser. it was a cheap one, but man it gets you high, it also feels like nothing at all is going into your lungs.


Well-Known Member
i use a heat gun with my bong works better than a digital vaporizer... if you dont have that much funds you could use a heat gun works wonders for me


Well-Known Member
I just remembered the best thing about my vape. I have had this happen several times. I'll take a few hits and not see any exhale and think I didn't get any. So I start to empy it and add more and the phone or something distracts me. Five minutes later I realize I'm ripped and don't need anymore. It's like finding money.
I LOLed... it's true!


What about vapor brothers?
The vapor brothers, in my opinion is one of the best vapes (If no the best) you can go with for personal use.

Scenario for ya: I was very interested in investing in a vaporizer for efficiency purposes (I had no idea you could save the left over vaped bud and make some killer brownies, )

My buddy so generously offered to lend me his volcano for a week for a test run. It was a great vape, no doubt about it. I was definitely feeling better throughout the day, as the vape is more of a "high" than a "stone". My only complaint was that it seemed like a lot of work for just one guy. Therefore, if you have company over often, the volcano may be the better way to go(if you have 500 bones to drop on a vape).

I decided to go with the vapor brothers after all. It's silent, ready to go with the turn of a knob, no buttons to press or annoying buzzing sounds. Just throw the whip over the heating element and enjoy 8-) For a fraction of the price, backed with a lifetime warrenty by vapor bros, I think I've made the right choice. If you're using your vape for personal use, or even 2 or 3 other people, the vapor brothers will not dissapoint.