Vaporizing and temperatures: Different effects???


Hey guys:

I have a Vapor Brothers vaporizer and the dial allows you to vaporize at different temperatures. I believe different cannabanoids vaporize at different temperatures (or if you put it on the hottest setting, it vaporizes everything).

Does anyone know anything about different effects you can get using different temperatures?

What temperature/setting do you vaporize at? :peace:


Really? That's interesting. So in theory the lowest setting should bring more towards the sativa side of high (I'm vaping OG Kush right now)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
It just brings out the THC high.

I'm so baked right now. I can't remember if it's small differences in the THC that make indica vs. sativa different, or if it's different levels of cannabinoids (like thc/cbn/cbd/cbc etc. :lol: )

btw what I do is start at 365 and progressively up the temp so that the last bag vapes at 392 and has a little vapor in it

Then I toss the vaped bud in a jar and make a stick of potent cannabutter with about 60g-80g


Well-Known Member
You can make butter with vaped weed? i thought it had like 99% of the thc or something crazy like that out of it lol