

Well-Known Member
Can i get some opinions on these? Are they worth the money? do they waste the weed? why are some way more expensive than others?


Active Member
I personally dont like the bag type....and prefer the type of that is a plastic tube coming out. The buzz is different I think too.... I know that it doesnt waste the weed and that actually utilizes more of the THC than burning it... best of luck though bro I would just say buy a $70 jsut to try and go from there....


Well-Known Member
Vaporizers are the most efficient way to get the THC out of your bud, except for maybe making butter. You easily get 2-4 times the THC from the same amount of weed when using a good vaporizer than just smoking it. I have an iolite vaporizer and when I put decent weed through it I easily get 2.-3.5 times the feeling I get when smoking the same amount. They absolutely save you weed because you don't have to use as much to get the same level of high, although some say the high is a little differen't. And even once you have used up all your bud you still can use the left overs from the vaporizer. You could just smoke it, or make butter and such out of it. When I would smoke the leftovers from the vaporizing I would say I had to use about twice as much as fresh bud when smoking (so 1 bowl of fresh unused bud = 2 bowls of already vaped bud). So these things are really great for saving your weed. You only have to use 1/2 to 1/4 as much marijuana, and then once your buds have been through he vaporizer, you could still smoke it and/or cook with it for even more effect!

Obviously though you should save the ABV (already vaped bud) for cooking (will get you more of the left over goodies out of the bud, and you won't have to get any of the negative side effects of smoking in you).


Well-Known Member
Vapo is the way to go if you are at all concerned about your lungs. I love them and i also smoke regular so don't hate. There are vaporizers for 600 plus dollars, you can get the same version in a Chinese knock off for 150, I like the bag type and I think it uses a lot less weed. but to each his own


Well-Known Member
Yeah I mean while there is no good evidence that a life time of smoking marijuana will increase the risk of any health problems associated with a life time of smoking cigarettes (but there are plenty of good studies about how there is a 0 increased risk), a vaporizer is still better for you because it delivers only what you want and more of it (you would use less material for more results = a lot less bad stuff in your system).

The iolite i-inhale vaporizer is by far the best portable vaporizer period. You can get the complete package for $150 or less, but if you want a 100% guarantee that you get the warranty with it it will probably cost $200 as the company that makes them uses certified dealers. While I haven't heard of anyone having issues with getting repairs and replacement parts under warranty, even though they didn't buy from an official dealer, there is the chance that you could have that problem. It work out for me though, I sent in my original 1st generation unit in for a replacement part they didn't sell online. Turns out when they switched to making the 2nd generation units they stopped building the part that I needed. So they just sent me a whole brand new latest generation unit for free (well I did pay to ship the old unit to them). I don't know where my link is, but there was a great several week test trial/review done by a good website based in Britain that sold me on this device. They said similarly to me that you definitely get more out of it using the device, about 2-3 times more on average, and compared to a volcano vaporizer (considered by about everyone to be the best) it was good for the money because it gave you 2-3 times the goods and the volcano gave you like 3-5 .One of their participants even said he was going to give up smoking blunts in favor of using this device.

So yes definitely get a vaporizer if you can afford it, I can testify all over the place that the iolite it worth the money big time. While I don't know how it compares to similarly priced non portable vaporizers, I can tell you that of any vaporizer that is supposed to be portable, it is definitely the best. When my 2/3 year warranty runs out on my iolite, I may upgrade to a volcano (especially if there is full legalization by then)


Well-Known Member
Vaping is also much more subtle than smoking-- very little smell and the flavor really comes through. It's the way to go for me.

I use a (Hotbox) whip instead of the bag variety. I like it because it is stealthy and just a pinch of good weed can get me rocked.

Two things that add to a model's cost are bags (they are more complicated, requiring fans), and digital controls. It takes a little time to get 'the feel' for a whip, and you might singe a few hits, but they are cheaper.

If you do go with a bag (ie. 'forced air') model, the Herbalaire has some fans on this site.


Well-Known Member
Vapes waste less and are healthier. Plus you can smoke the left over stuff in a bong (assuming you use whip-type and not bag).


Well-Known Member
The site with the review that got me into the iolite, they were testing them in theaters and on those double decker buses without getting caught.
You can only smell the device and its heating action itself if you stick it all the way up to your nose and even then it just smells like something that heats up
The vape itself does not seem to have any smell, I've blown it at non users and they told me they couldn't smell it at all.
The only reason a vaporizer should smell is if for some reason it was heating up too high (like if you set a volcano to a higher than needed setting)

Its weird because the vape can seem to have a nice flavor, and yet it doesn't smell? o_O Amazing!


Well-Known Member
Best vape that has a three year warranty and and isn't as expensive as the volcano is the Arizer Tower Extreme Vape... Its about $300, plus delivery....half the price of a volcano and is super efficient... Half a gram will fill two and a half bags....:-) It comes directly from Canada... But you can't beat the three year warranty....:-)


Well-Known Member
whoa thanks everyone for the great advise. im def gonna do some research on those u all mentioned and buy one asap. thanks again!


Active Member
I just recently got an easyvape from for about 50.00 and so far, so good. It is very different then the pipe/bong way.
Cool and smooth

It might be the "beginners vape" so I cant vouch for it being a good one. All I can say is I like it.


Active Member
I've experienced a few different kinds of vapes. Love them. Very relaxing, very discreet. Portable is amazing, non-portable equally sick. You can't go wrong with any of the ones i've tried,
Vapir is sick, its portable, rechargable, small.
HotBox is non-portable, really nice, just a tube and a box, plug it into the wall, and get wrecked haha.
VaporGenie is sick, it requires a lighter unlike a lot of other ones, but works just as well as any of the others, and is about 60 bucks, a lot cheaper than any others, its a vape pipe, pretty cool.
My friend also has a volcano, which is pretty amazing as everyone knows, but expensive.

Hope this helped!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Best way to figure out if a vaporizer is for you start googling.

search stuff like " vaporizer" "vaporizer study" "pros and cons of vaporizer" etc.

There's a LOT of information out there just waiting to be found


I just bought a vaporgenie last weekend. Man this thing is the shit! I went to hit my oneie the other day and it was so crazy harsh in comparison.
On top of that I've been saving all my vaped weed and today instead of vaping I tossed the vaped stuff into a pan with some butter and then poured it on a bagel... 2 hours later BAM!

Double your pleasure with a vaporizer!


Active Member
Dude- i have a hot box knock-off that i got on ebay for $65. It is ok but as soon as I can, I'm buying a Volcano.I tried one at the Hemp Expo in San Fran & I was blown away by how well they work.No waste of precious herb at all.It all goes into the bag.And I was really surprised by how good it tasted.Expensive but well worth the money.