Well-Known Member
i think I caused all the hairs on one of my autos to prematurely redden from over fanning, as well. Also defol.ed the crap out of her, and high temps during day. Saw yesterday what seemed to be early onset botrytis so cut the bad branches and may just take the rest today and hash it. I did just get my bubble bag set yesterday. Of course I’m going to cure a little just to try the smoke. Will let you know how it is if you want, haha.Shit....might be over-feeding....I had a LED blue light from my dehumidifier on for a night and a half b4 i realized was faint...i covered it...could that have caused it? I've been also feeding a pretty unbalanced diet....because ffof has nutes in it....maybe i shouldn't be feeding at all? WHat do y9ou recommend?
I don't touch them but could it be from having the air on all the time? it'a medium breeze can i show short video's on here? I would appriciate some help...because i thought they were browning a little fast myself...
Oh well, the other one is still on track, and I have my photos plugging away. Just not going to get the “quick” harvest before my main one.
Here’s my shame, and I’ll say it before one of you chuckleheads does-
“‘Bout a pound!”