Varieties Grown Wet Tropical Enviornments


Active Member
Aloha Everyone! Anyone here grow in wet tropical/subtropical enviornments? Please post your expertise, for it is a challange.

Ill start first. The problems I see most are...

MOLD!!! Ughh I'm sick just thinking of it, most indica dominant varieties get trashed in the tropics, but people grow them anyways. Most hybrids have to be harvested early outdoors, blue mold literally eats the buds once they really start to finish. It results in a lot of B grade outdoor here. Pure Sativa varieties are incredibly resiliant, but for cash croppers there is a reality that buyers want indica looking buds. And with a short flowering time, its hard to not want to do indicas and hybrids.

Lack of Light
When plants grow in the winter or short season here in Hawaii, most varieties will flower from seed unless provided additional light. Its amazing how many people here don't know that and wonder why they cant grow big hybrids. (A lot of local strains and sativa varieties are adapted to this and will grow over 4 feet) Hawaiis longest day is around 14 hours in summer and shortest day is around 11 hours in winter. You can flower year round (kinda, some sativa genes will strech in spring and not want to finish) Using additional light is a good way to veg and flower crops, because they respond when you stop providing that additional light. Its a good way to send the flowering signal.

Miracle Grow During Flower

There should be a sticky about not doing this because it is popular in these areas and results in bad tasting scrawney indicrap that in my opinion, shouldn't be smoked. People who don't understand the flower from seed thing push plants with fertilizer. More like shove actually. You can shove enough Miracle Grow into your plant to strech an flowering indica dom over 5 feet in a short season. I've done it as a naïve first timer. You end up just stretching your budsites and even stretching your brachs apart, ending up with a streched out beast that will never fill in, it won't develop new budsites like a plant in veg.

Please share your story or talk about growing in subtropical/tropical enviornments.



Active Member
Tried to change the name of the post to Growing in wet tropical enviornments, but I don't think it actually changed the thread name. Any help on this? Its a more fitting name. Aloha