Well what a weekend for you

probably a smart call holding on 12/12, despite how badly you want to flower

they do look good, especially Sog1
But I have an idea for you. You have 12 plant positions, granted your bottom cabinet is cleared and close to ready to grow in. So you could switch it to 12/12 and get that SOG1 flowering before she outgrows your space while the others recover from the bugs. And as the others are ready you can throw them into 12/12. Plus it will be easier to deal with the larger flowering plants on the bottom level.
Just something for you to chew on while you clean up the remnants of the bug mess.
Yes and I also ref'd 6 soccer matches this weekend too; yesterday in pouring down rain! It was cold, but the field was all muddy and the 10 year old boys playing were in absolute heaven and frankly so was I!! In the middle of the last game and after 51 years, I saw my first perfect rainbow; a full 180* arc with both ends on the ground. Simply amazing!
So Gumball, I believe your mind is beginning to grasp the beauty and full potential of
"The Cabinigerator"
along with the simple beauty of a single, mobile ScrOG'd plant, it's MODULAR!
No real news on the F-13 girls as I wait for all of them to get roots in water. #2 and #3 have exposed roots with #2 in the lead. As far as the rest, if these girls went into shock as a result of all the bad stuff I did to them the other day, they sure have a funny way of showing it. Wanna see?
My Biatch Blue Dream finally has some game on!!! She blasted out root and finally turned upward with an explosion of growth and the purdy white under-sided leaves are all new! I have something to finally push back under the screen!!

The overhead shots are before/after shots after redirecting the new growth back under the screen.
Next up SOG#1. I call this series of shots "Taming of the Shrew!"

Her roots are looking good and I'm hoping she sprouts new feathers up on the top where the bugs ate them away. The sideways shot is one of my favorites as you can see how well I've actually done at turning her from a plant into a vine! Vino anyone?

In the overhead shots you can see how I'm trying to train all new growth to go towards the empty side and to the middle.
SOG#2 has a bit of "SOG#1-envy" as she does her best to catch-up and overtake her?! Nice roots and what a great profile. If you asked me, she's got a great booty!
SOG#3 last but not least. Notice the dead bugs on the bottom of the tank and none on the roots?

Also she whipped out a few new feather roots just to show me she cares! The base of the plant is a perfect "Y" split and I am having trouble telling which was the main stem!
By the way, this is the same water in the tanks from before my bug issue. Remember how crappy it looked and look at how it cleared up! Still running full strength nutes.
Are we having fun now?