OMG. Life is busy right now and that's a good thing! I've been working the past few days!!

Yesterday was the most money I've earned in a single day and the client was extremely happy with my results...and the work I did caused them to be dependent on me for the future so I think I've got my first permanent client!!! Wheeeeee!
Trying to keep up with the plants is crazy especially on the 12/12 schedule. Little hairs are popping out everywhere and the growing tips are starting to "glow". Upward growth rate is about 1/2" day, seems like they slowed down while getting used to flowering nutes? Hopefully they'll stretch upwards more because they still have about 16" of room to grow up.
I've got a TON of pics along the way that I need to go through so those will be up throughout the day. It's just too hard to give the "mega" update.
Oh by the way the garage smells good!!!! Definitely not skunky but more like walking through a forest and fresh. Make sense?
As far as the my buddies vendor, he was driving down from No Cal. He was using the opportunity to bring his family down to Disneyland but the car broke down. My buddy isn't the one in direct contact so it looks like a day or two before the "sampling".
Stop by and say "Hi" throughout the day. I've got some interesting pics and discoveries I've made and more pics of the light traps...which are fucking awesome I might add!
But first I've got about 20 subscriptions I want to go catch up on! You guys keep me busy too!