What I wouldn't give to be able to slow down. My whole life is buzzing right now and with all the stuff happening, I'm not really able to put as much time into the grow as I'd like. Add to it motivational issues with depression and it becomes a huge battle to get anything done! I also have issues with focus. You may catching me working on things that don't matter vs. things that do.
This grow isn't about arriving at the final destination as it is more about the journey. I may not be producing any weed, people have gone through complete cycles in the time I've been posting. But I've also seen people take my ideas in their grow and make them work and succeed. That brings me a huge sense of satisfaction.
I love the sciences. Have you ever built an Van Peltier Air Conditioner? How about a rudimentary Swamp Cooler? The chemistry of nutrients and the different factors which give success and failure. Just watching the plants grow and the way they grow is fascinating!
One thing I know about myself, I'm not great at planning and managing things, but technically you give me a list of things to do and what order to do them in, I'll whip shit out like there's no tomorrow and it'll work!
If you want to go in together on a multi-million dollar grow, just call me!! You do the managing and I'll do the building and we'll be rolling in it!!

Bottom line is I agree with you. Thanks and welcome to my journey!
No way man. This family works on the truth! Everyone in my household understands the law and the consequences. Just buying my 1/4 oz every two weeks and having tht in my house is enough to bring legal havoc down on my family so adding in 6 or 7 plants isn't gonna change things much.
Besides my kids are too smart. They know what I suffer from. They understand my good days and my bad days. In many ways they are part of my therapy. Besides, this is a great learning tool! I guess I could just as well be growing tomatoes and strawberries hydroponically for them to get the scientific benefit of watching life grow. What would I be teaching my kids by sneaking around the place freaking out everytime they walked into the garage?
Times are changing and I can see it with the attitudes from what my girls are learning in school about drugs. They actually teach kids that research is being done with Marijuana and the medical benefits. The message is starting to become one of "moderation". Gone are the days of just telling your kids "No. Because I said so." It only empowers them to defy you more! The message is more "If you are going to do (sex, drugs, drinking, etc) make sure you are careful and do things the right way and be safe (condoms, designated drivers, etc.).
Bottom line. Don't lie to your children.
Hey my skin's pretty thick and I know there wasn't any ill will. There is plenty of drama going on in this journal and I can imagine you can get caught up in it. How many of you have had to start taking Paxil after reading through all this?

The one big truth though is I have been doing "too much". Too many plants, too many strains, too much space, light, etc. But then again, I suffer singular events such as bugs and mold and such which could happen with one plant or 1,000 plants. So no matter what, those issue still need to be solved. And I'll get there.
Besides, almost anybody can grow a plant in soil.

But my brain wants to see something different! Growing in water is cool! But honestly, it makes the most sense to do given the amount of space I have. I considered all the different mediums and from my reading this one made the most sense to do.
Again, I think he saw someone drowing and tried to save me. He just happen to throw me a 10,000 lb life preserver!!