Various Smoke Reports by Shepj

the plant sees nitrogen if its chemically made or organically made.

True. How would your body react if you ate Multivitamins, Protein Shakes, and Meal Replacement bars? Do you honestly think there would be the proper ratio of nutrients to support your bodily functions? Eventually you are bound to produce some side effects as compensation for something lacking in the body.

Organic nutrients do not need to be broken down; let's look at sources of carbohydrates. When you think about adding carbohydrates to your plants, Molasses is the first thing that comes to mind, no? Why is this? Because it is natural, not refined. If chemical nutrients are on par with organic nutrients, add some White, refined and processed sugar to your plants and see how many of those "nutrients" they actually absorb.

Nitrogen is Nitrogen, true. That is the same for probably all nutrients.. it is a matter of which the plant can metabolize easier, which is Organic nutrients. Plants came from the outside, they are meant to handle natural nutrients. You are adding stress to the plant by using anything they have to break down; instead of producing more plant material or resin, they now have to focus on metabolizing chemical bullshit.

I grow with mg ferts in hydro and dried the bud out and even watercured some.

If by mg you mean Miracle Grow, I feel this discussion is already over.

Needless to say, both were very smooth. This is saying a lot as this was my first time smoking anything.

Maybe to a first time smoker it was smooth, but I have been smoking for approximately half my life. With all things fine, a defined palate can notice even subtle harshness.

I found the whole chem-fed plants are harsher and less flavor to be untrue.

Please tell me why a large portion of cannabis from Amsterdam, and most the medical marijuana from california is organically fed?

Surprisingly, I have never got a head ache while vaporizing or smoking but I think if you smoke anything too much you will get headaches from the smoke itself. I have vaporized in the past just to get rid of a headache.

I would imagine that when you vaporize, you do not reach the activation energy required to release the harsh aspects of chemical nutrients, such as when cannabis is burned. I have had commercial marijuana that was chemically fed and not well flushed through a vaporizer, the taste was still fine.. that same cannabis through Club papers was nearly not smokeable.

What makes the organic mj better? just because its organic? seriously?

What makes organic nutrients better? They are readily available and processable without adding stress to the plant.

Strain: Casey Jones *(Oriental Express x ECSD V3)
Company: Head Seeds
Availability: Seed
Sativa / Indica Hybrid: 80% Sativa / 20% Indica
Growth: Indoor
Nutes: Organic
Yield: Unsure
Bag Appeal: 10.00+ / 10.00
*Harsh/Smooth 3 - Relatively Harsh, although, bearable. Even small hits are fairly harsh.
Functionality *Medium

I was shocked when I first saw Casey Jones; I had not heard the strain name by the time I had seen the buds, and the first thing that came to mind was "Thai Stick"! I was informed that it was a hybrid between Trainwreck, Thai, and Sour Diesel.. so I had to pick it up!

These buds are some of the more beautiful ones out there, that I have seen anyway. The bud structure is definitely more toward the Thai father, producing long and dense buds. The buds are really coated with resin, which I would imagine, comes from the added Trainwreck and Sour Diesel. I was almost sad to let this one hit the grinder, but with the effects it produces, Casey Jones will remain a Top-Favorite of mine for years to pass.


*Oriental Express (♀ E-32 Arcata Trainwreck x ♂ Pure Thai)

ECSD v3 {♀ East Coast Sour Diesel X (♀ Sour Diesel / ♂ Soma's NYC Diesel)}

* 1 - 10, with 1 being extremely harsh and 10 being extremely smooth.

* The strain is somewhat versitile, and hence, medium functionability. The strain is extremely, and almost overly potent, making it difficult to function in a daytime setting. If used extremely sparingly during the day, the effects are very uplifting and stimulating.. anything over 2 hits makes the high extremely non-functional.

I prefer Casey Jones for relaxed and night-time settings, as it has a tendency to produce a deep, thoughtful, and meditative trance.


Strength of Fragrance / Taste / Category / Group / Fragrance

Simply one of the most amazing fragrances in existence! The aroma is a beautiful and exotic mix of Lemon - Lime, somewhat like Lemon-Drops and Lime-Pinesol! The undertone is an extremely pleasant sweet scent reminiscent of Jasmin, mixed with the perfect amount of Cedar (Spanish). There is a hint of something fuely (Gasoline / Diesel), that I have been told is reminiscent of "Black Shoe Polish" or a Leather Store. The bouquet of fragrances Casey Jones produces is simply heavenly!

(Primary) Sour : Citrus : Lemon : Lime
(Secondary) Sour : Citrus : Lemon : Lemon
(Tertiary) Sweet : Fruity : Rose-Like : Jasmin
(Undertone) Spicy : Warm : ------ : Spanish Cedar
(Hint) Bitter : ------ : Chemical : Petroleum


Strength of Flavor / Taste / Category / Group / Flavor

The flavor is not a whole lot like the fragrance, which was incredibly surprizing.. although, I was definitely satisfied. The flavor is more toward the Thai genetics, and much more mild, earthy, and woody. There is something somewhat sweet that was deemed reminiscent of "Turkish Blend", I would imagine this could be attributed to caramel, but I am not entirely certain.

(Primary) Bitter : Earthy : ----- : -----
(Secondary) Spicy : Warm : ------ : Cedar / Pine
(Tertiary) Bitter : Nutty : Roasted : Caramel
(Nuance) Sour : Citrus : Lemon : Sweet Lemon

The High:

A nearly immediately hitting, Sativa-dominant strain, producing some of the deepest relaxation (anxiolysis) I have experienced thus far! In small amounts, the high is extremely uplifting, both mentally and physically. The effects are of a mood-lifting and antidepressant nature, and at times, borderline euphoric. Even in minute amounts, Casey Jones produces a massive case of the munchies.. in higher amounts, the munchies can be insatiable. For the most part, the high is side-effect free and produced minimal cotton-mouth (xerostomia), surprisingly, even in massive dosages.

In larger amounts, the high becomes less functional, although, incredibly amazing! There is a distinct heaviness behind the eyes, and an almost dream-like body high that has to come from the Indica side of the genetic makeup. The effects are extremely introspective, although, of a very optimistic nature. I found that in higher dosages, a trance-like meditative effect becomes inevitable. The strain is somewhat spacey, but extremely clear headed, making a really interesting train of thought. I also noticed, in either large or small quantity, Casey Jones fully eliminates most muscle, joint, and tendon pain or tension!

I have found that this strain is well suited for any setting, whether social or non-social. As the intake grows, the strain morphs from Upbeat and Functional to Psychedelic and Trance-Like.. something to keep in mind if driving or strenous activity is necessary.

Medical Value:

  • Depression
  • Appetite Stimulation
  • Anxiolytic (anti-anxiety)
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain / Tension
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia

Since the smoke is rather harsh, it is not overly beneficial to asthmatics.


If you see this strain around, do not pass it up!




Now that's pretty. :) I've been wondering about your reports for the past 48 hours! Nice to see. :D I was interested in hearing more about the anxiety benefits and if there was paranoia at all but it seems as if you've done away with descriptions of these medical characteristics. :)
I was interested in hearing more about the anxiety benefits and if there was paranoia at all but it seems as if you've done away with descriptions of these medical characteristics. :)

I tried to cover them in the report and summarize them in the medical section. There was zero paranoia, and zero anxiety with this strain, no matter the dosage.
I tried to cover them in the report and summarize them in the medical section. There was zero paranoia, and zero anxiety with this strain, no matter the dosage.
Now that is some GREAT anxiolytic medication right there huh!! Every weed I've ever smoked at higher doses caused some paranoia. Not all the time, just depending. I am a very paranoid, sardonic, and generally pessimistic person though, regardless of my internet demeanor/persona. :D
Now that is some GREAT anxiolytic medication right there huh!! Every weed I've ever smoked at higher doses caused some paranoia. Not all the time, just depending. I am a very paranoid, sardonic, and generally pessimistic person though, regardless of my internet demeanor/persona. :D

This strain would be something to look into. I was surprised to find that even in massive quantities, there was no anxiety or paranoia, which is a rarity for a Mostly-Sativa hybrid (especially considering the genetics). Not only was there no anxiety or paranoia, the mental insight was extremely optimistic, although, realistic. It really helped looking into personal thoughts and issues, it is a progressive strain to finding resolution. I personally think this strain could have psychotherapeutic value.
This strain would be something to look into. I was surprised to find that even in massive quantities, there was no anxiety or paranoia, which is a rarity for a Mostly-Sativa hybrid (especially considering the genetics). Not only was there no anxiety or paranoia, the mental insight was extremely optimistic, although, realistic. It really helped looking into personal thoughts and issues, it is a progressive strain to finding resolution. I personally think this strain could have psychotherapeutic value.
There you have it folks! Dr. Shepj has personally endorsed Casey Jones for psychotherapeutic research! Get growing farmers, this will be the strain of the future!

Strain: Dutch Treat *(Amsterdam Indica x Mighty Mite)
Company: East Island Seeds
Availability: Seed
Indica / Sativa Hybrid: 80% Indica / 20% Sativa
Growth: Indoor
Nutes: Organic
Yield: Unsure
Bag Appeal: 9.00 / 10.00 - This particular bud was harvested a bit early, I think if it had matured a couple of weeks longer, it would be an easy 10.00 / 10.00 strain.
*Smooth / Harsh 3 - Until taking real big hits, Dutch Treas is a fairly smooth Indica. With larger rips, you are at the mercy of the creeping cough.
Functionality *Medium
Creeping Effects: 2.50 / 10.00 - > 5 Min. to Set-In & Levelled by 20 Min.

This strain is a killer! The bud has more resin than just about any other strain I have come across lately. Although harvested a little early, this strain is still amazingly beautiful. Under some serious magnification (100x - 420 Scope), I was able to see a lot of translucent white to opaque white trichomes, although, not many were amber. The early harvest rendered this Indica extremely intricate, as the effects are somewhere between a slight raciness, and a stimulating sedative!


*Mighty Mite - A Himalayan Indica, Cultivated in British Columbia for 12 - 15 years.

* 1 - 10, with 1 being extremely smooth and 10 being extremely harsh.

* On low dosages, Dutch Treat is extremely functional and manageable; in higher amounts, the strain is not functional whatsoever.


Strength of Fragrance / Taste / Category / Group / Fragrance

The Dutch Treat is a mild fragranced mix of Floral, Citrus, and Earth. Although not a weak fragrance, it is not at all overpowering. The main fragrance is earthy and somewhat reminiscent to a light mocha, underneath this there is a beautiful mix of an almost seaweed fragrance (Somewhat more like Kratom Tea) with a sweet, floral background of Jasmin. After the Earthy-Mocha, yet Sweet-Floral fragrance sets in, hints and nuances of Citrus can easily be noted.

(Primary I) Bitter : Nutty : Fresh : Pecan
(Primary II) Bitter : Vegetal : Plants : Coffee
(Primary III) Bitter : Vegetal : Plants : Cocoa
(Secondary I) Sweet : Fruity : Rose-Like : Jasmin
(Secondary II) Bitter : ------ : Salty : Seaweed
(Hint) Sour : Citrus : Orange : Mandarine
(Nuance I) Sour : Citrus : Lemon : Sweet Lemon
(Nuance II) Sour : Citrus : Lemon : Lime


Strength of Flavor / Taste / Category / Group / Flavor

The flavor is very soft and smooth, with an inhale that produces a nearly creamy sensation. Although similar to the fragrance, the flavor is much lighter. The flavor is something like an Earthy - Mocha Pecan mix, matched with an undertone of Citrussy Orange - Lemon.

(Primary I) Bitter : Nutty : Fresh : Pecan
(Primary II) Bitter : Vegetal : Plants : Coffee
(Primary III) Bitter : Vegetal : Plants : Cocoa
(Secondary) Sour : Citrus : Orange : Mandarine
(Tertiary) Sour : Citrus : Lemon : Sweet Lemon

The High:

A quick hitting Indica that screams two words, Sheer Potency. The high can be noticed pretty quickly, although, it takes around five minutes for the effects to really start setting in. After around 20-minutes, assuming you have a decent dose, the high is Levelling! After a while, the effects calm to Smooth and Mellow. Great for a calm night with a book or movie, or for deep conversations with a good friend.

Since this particular batch was harvested early, there is an interesting twist I felt I needed to add! As stated earlier, I glanced at this bud under 100x magnification.. it appeared to be frosted in resin! There was not one portion of any part of the bud, pistils, etc. that was not covered in beautiful trichomes! Anyway, the clear to white trichomes add an interesting raciness to the strain.. capable of producing full on visuals, making a truly Psychedelic / Hallucinogenic strain! I would avoid large doses of this strain if Anxious or Depressed, as the strain seems to react accordingly to emotions, although, on an incredibly intense level.

* Side Note: After three massive rips, and some time to let the effects set-in, I was watching a palm tree (100% Stationary mind you) swaying and nearly morphing!

Medical Value:

Low Doses:
  • Anxiolytic (anti-anxiety)
  • Appetite Stimulation
  • Mood Lift / Anti-Depressant
  • Joint Pain / Tendon Pain
  • Analgesia / Painkilling
  • Muscle Relaxant
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia

The effects, when taken in low doses, are very calming and somewhat narcotic. It is great for relaxing, while physically sedating, it remains mentally energized. The medicinal effects would be best suited for a light mood lift, painkilling, or a troubled night sleeping.

Large Doses:

  • Analgesia (For more severe needs)
  • Psychiatric Value / Psychotherapeutic Value

In higher amounts, the Narcoticism becomes prominent. The strain becomes extremely efficient for eliminating the mere existance of Pain. On an extremely important side note, if utilizing this strain in high dosages, be aware of your current set & setting.. this strain has a large visually and mentally Trippy / Psychedelic side.


A must try for the Indica Connoisseur!









For anyone who may read this thread:

I have finally purchased a Macro Lens for my camera, so all pictures will be in higher definition from here on out! Also, I have finally picked up the local New England strain "Jerry Berry", as well as some NorCal Clone-Only "Lemonade" (2000)!
Strain: White Russian *(AK-47 x White Widow)
Company: Serious Seeds
Availability: Seed
Sativa / Indica Hybrid: Sativa Dominant (Probably near: 60% Sativa / 40% Indica)
Growth: Indoor
Nutes: Organic (Guessing by ashes & flavor)
Yield: Unsure
Bag Appeal: 9.75 / 10.00 - The appeal is stunning. Nearly the entirety of the bud is powdered with THC. From a distance, this strain looks completely white, although, upon closer inspection, one can see the beautiful array of greens and light orange pistils.
Harshness: 2 - The smoke is rather smooth, although, there is a slight throat tickle with larger hits.
Onset: 2 Minutes. After two rips and ten minutes, I was destroyed.
Duration: Long (4+ Hours)

Having never tried White Russian before this report, I was stoked! I have heard numerous amazing things about this strain, starting with winning the Cannabis Cup in 1996, and the Cup for Best Bio Grass in 1997. This is a top-favorite strain for anyone, whether a Sativa or Indica lover, you will love this strain!


* This batch has an amazing Cherry aftertaste, leading me to believe that the AK-47 used for this hybrid is the legendary Cherry AK-47 Phenotype!

Eyes: Glossy - Pink
Paranoia: None


Strength of Fragrance / Taste / Category / Group / Fragrance

The fragrance is great, although, definitely the least pronounced feature of this stellar herb. The aroma is something like American Cheese and Green Onion, with a hint of Sweet that I find reminiscent of Lilac. Watch out when this one burns! The odor is rather pungent and skunky.

(Primary) Sour : Dairy : Milk : Cheese (American)
(Secondary) Bitter : Vegetal : Garlic : Onion (Green)
(Hint) Sweet : Floral : Blossoms : Lilac


Strength of Flavor / Taste / Category / Group / Flavor

The flavor is the second most interesting feature, right behind the high. The bouquet is very unique, extremely interesting, and overall, very plesant. The flavor is an aromatic mix of an Earthy-Mocha, Sandalwood, Chives, with a sweet Cherry aftertaste. Without singling out each aspect of the flavor, it is very similar to a rich perfume. The smoke and flavor are very smooth, almost producing a Cream-like sensation upon inhalation.

(Primary I) Bitter : Vegetal : Plants : Coffee
(Primary II) Bitter : Vegetal : Plants : Cocoa
(Primary III) Spicy : Warm : Aromatic : Sandalwood
(Secondary) Bitter : Vegetal : Garlic : Chives
(Tertiary) Sweet : Floral : Rose-Like : Cherry

The High:

Although I consider the High to be the most intriguing aspect of this strain, it is incredibly difficult to grasp without smoking. It is reminiscent of a batch of White Widow I smoked nearly four years back, and has been the only strain thus far to produce similar effects. The high sets in fast and potent, with the first noticeable effects being that "everything seems a little brighter". The initial effects are very Indica-dominant, with a complete body stone nearly potent enough to induce narcosis. The body high is rather pronounced and falls somewhere in between buzzy and floaty, making a really great recreational or medicinal high. The initial effects left me completely cloudy-headed, although, when the high sets in and one is made accustomed to the potency, it is very manageable and rather conversational. As time progresses, the Sativa-dominance grows. The high takes on a more clear-headed aspect, with a gentle euphoria in the background, making this strain great for depression. There is nearly zero crash with this strain and as the end comes nearer, the effects take on a very peaceful, meditative-relaxation.

Medical Value:

* Mild Analgesic (Pain Management)
* Joint / Muscle / Tendon Pain
* Appetite Stimulation (Mild)
* Anti-Depressant (Mild)
* Headaches / Migraines
* Nausea
* Insomnia


I would not pass this one up!



