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your words really took me away to my closest Target in my mind. thanks. i bought some new socks if you care.

That's what I didn't get. Got my shot at target, just hopped in line. Yeah, the societal costs of a sick population vs a healthy one have been considered, its why the government foots the bill....beyond that though, not sure what point was being made.
my county declared themselves trump country in 2020. so vaxs are easy to get around me.

I believe you were a bit south of yeah I can believe it. Gave the area a solid look as it is beautiful and cheaper than Denver, but eh, not interested in towns where the military is a major portion of the economy.
my county declared themselves trump country in 2020. so vaxs are easy to get around me.

My county went 80% for Biden in 2020. People were standing in long lines for vaccinations for awhile. I went to one of the mass vaccination clinics at the convention center and it was a packed madhouse when I got my first shot. The National Guard was there taking care of much of it. Thanks guys and gals. The second shot it wasn't as crowded. I have a booster shot scheduled for next week at the Walgreens down the street.
I think people might say they don’t want a shot as an excuse to quit a job they hate.. I met this one obese guy that had to make a point of telling me he is quitting due to new vaccine mandates I really gave a fuck. They filled his spot quickly. Lol. It’s like take a look in the mirror lately ? Good luck getting another job. Lol antivaxxers are such drama queens. Lol
"Rainbow Bar and Grill in West Hollywood " Whats weird is I saw Ron Jeremy at that exact same bar in 2016. I almost asked for an autograph, he was one of the few celebrities I saw while living there. He was there drinking alone.
Its a vaccine. Like the one for polio, mumps, measels, etc. What do these conspiracy people believe? Thats its some government posion designed to affect our offspring to try and control overpopulation? Or what? I spend too much time working alone to bother knowing but if anyone would like to explain, please do so.
At what rate relative to unvaxed?
You're backtracking. First it prevented transmission.

Infection rates among vaxxed are approaching unvaxxed in Europe. Transmission capability is the same vaxxed, or unvaxxed. Actual rates may be lower among vaxxed because the period of illness is usually shorter.

Covid isn't a high kill rate virus that we're going to ever eradicate, and it's not a common cold hyped up for 5g nanobot vaccine conspiracy.

If you read actual cdc papers regularly and watch other countries actions and numbers it's obvious. Everything we've done has only slowed the spread. But at what cost? What did we gain? Everyone will still get Covid. It'll kill at risk peope, and less than .01% of the rest of the population.
Its a vaccine. Like the one for polio, mumps, measels, etc. What do these conspiracy people believe? Thats its some government posion designed to affect our offspring to try and control overpopulation? Or what? I spend too much time working alone to bother knowing but if anyone would like to explain, please do so.
Measles vaccine prevents infection and transmission. The Covid vaccines don't, see video I posted.
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