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I guess Antivaxers still havent figured out VAERS reports arent actual statistics.

100% of people who take the vaccine will die. 100% of people who dont take the vaccine will also die.
I went through three of the most recent pages of the report a couple of months back. Some had no information, others had people having a rough time of life before the vaccine. Heck, the same ones that the virus had a good chance of picking of itself.
Of course it’s your choice. Nobody making you work is there?

While nobody makes you work, most people that don't want to be homeless have to work to pay property taxes.

So it really epitomizes the sinister ways that people are told they have choices, but the choices are really kind of a mirage when put into the proper perspective.

Also, if you don't chose to get a jab, your rights and priveleges are jeopardized to the point it becomes an empty statement to say, choices are still there. Duress and choice are sort of incompatible.
While nobody makes you work, most people that don't want to be homeless have to work to pay property taxes.

So it really epitomizes the sinister ways that people are told they have choices, but the choices are really kind of a mirage when put into the proper perspective.

Also, if you don't chose to get a jab, your rights and priveleges are jeopardized to the point it becomes an empty statement to say, choices are still there. Duress and choice are sort of incompatible.
Work for yourself. My son is self employed and nobody making him get vaxed. Maybe you been sucking on the gubmit titty too long.
What do you all think about this?

Is it still a free country when the government can decide what to put in your body any time they want as a condition to live?

Isn't that rape when it is a penis?

You are free to not get vaxed. Get off that gubmit titty my friend. Be self employed and enjoy your freedom!
We need more of them. They help highlight what falls out of trumps ass. Until trump came along, I never have realized how many willfully ignorant people there were... I suspected there were a lot, but never this many.
We need more of them. They help highlight what falls out of trumps ass. Until trump came along, I never have realized how many willfully ignorant people there were... I suspected there were a lot, but never this many.

Trump sure has said some dumb things. Remember that time he told a crowd to get the vaccine ?
What do you all think about this?

Is it still a free country when the government can decide what to put in your body any time they want as a condition to live?

Isn't that rape when it is a penis?

The government can't make you. Resist. Don't quit. Make them fire you and then you're eligible for the unemployment benefits you've been paying into and possibly have a class action suit against your employer or Biden himself in the future. This is far from finished.
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