VEG:18 20 24 hour? someone convince me!


Well-Known Member
Wow! eddiemeds - sorry i said what i did - you are trying very hard to have a decent and level-headed conversation - as well as pass on your hard-won (and valuable) knowledge but instead of being appreciative some folks are giving you shit for it.

no wonder you get pissed - i mean it is fine to disagree about stuff but disagreeing does not give license for others to be assholes towards you. I mean geez - while i said earlier experience isn't everything - i should have added it IS the single biggest factor in a successful grow. Experience can make up for a lack elsewhere and anyone who has grown as much as you deserves to be listened to respectfully.

anyway - just wanted to say sorry to you.


New Member
who is trying to force you to understand bullshit?
... when i know what people are trying to force me to understand is bullshit, this is when i have a problem
the only reason why i came in being an ass to you is because you are doing the exact same thing to others,,, im actually a very laid back guy,, except when it come to assholes like you... i think it's YOU who is trying to force people to believe shit... you come around and start answering everones question (like a goddamn knowitall) with a simple yes or no.. any idiot can say yes or no,, lets hear YOU back your shit up,, ive seen nothing but you blowing smoke,, distracting us


New Member
Wow! eddiemeds - sorry i said what i did - you are trying very hard to have a decent and level-headed conversation - as well as pass on your hard-won (and valuable) knowledge but instead of being appreciative some folks are giving you shit for it.

no wonder you get pissed - i mean it is fine to disagree about stuff but disagreeing does not give license for others to be assholes towards you. I mean geez - while i said earlier experience isn't everything - i should have added it IS the single biggest factor in a successful grow. Experience can make up for a lack elsewhere and anyone who has grown as much as you deserves to be listened to respectfully.

anyway - just wanted to say sorry to you.
its no worries, i've been through this argument many times

no hard feeling were taken email


New Member
who is trying to force you to understand bullshit?

the only reason why i came in being an ass to you is because you are doing the exact same thing to others,,, im actually a very laid back guy,, except when it come to assholes like you... i think it's YOU who is trying to force people to believe shit... you come around and start answering everones question (like a goddamn knowitall) with a simple yes or no.. any idiot can say yes or no,, lets hear YOU back your shit up,, ive seen nothing but you blowing smoke,, distracting us
ok faggot, you go grow with 18/6 and you believe whatever shit you want to believe, you can keep coming at me with insults but you really don't have a clue about anything

anyone else that wants to talk seriously thats fine we can do that, but faggots like this chuckbane dude will just be ignored


Well-Known Member
its no worries, i've been through this argument many times

no hard feeling were taken email
i figured - i was surprised by some of the things you said - but then reading back through made me give it a second thought.

to be honest - i read the thread through again envisioning your former "status"/avatar and realized folks would never have said what they said (or at least how they said it) had you been posting under your old name. does that make sense?


New Member
email bro, its all cool, i don't hold grudges on anyone,

yes it did make sense, and my identity here is history, theres so many new faces they wouldn't even know anyways

you just gotta feel for all the newbies that are going to come through these doors and lap up the bullshit


Well-Known Member
Having lights on 24/0 for veg will give the plant more food production and grow faster, I use CFL for growing and its not hot in my room, don't have alot of air move ment and yet my plants need to be watered every 2 days


New Member
ok faggot, you go grow with 18/6 and you believe whatever shit you want to believe, you can keep coming at me with insults but you really don't have a clue about anything

anyone else that wants to talk seriously thats fine we can do that, but faggots like this chuckbane dude will just be ignored
hmmm,, you must be confused because i DONT grow with 18/6,,, i think you need to smoke a jay and calm the fuck down... you are getting so defensive its hard not to think you are just a douche with a big mouth


New Member
hmmm,, you must be confused because i DONT grow with 18/6,,, i think you need to smoke a jay and calm the fuck down... you are getting so defensive its hard not to think you are just a douche with a big mouth
i'm not getting defensive but if your gonna call someone names be prepared to get the same level of respect back,

i am calm,

i'm just not going to put up with your shit


New Member
Having lights on 24/0 for veg will give the plant more food production and grow faster, I use CFL for growing and its not hot in my room, don't have alot of air move ment and yet my plants need to be watered every 2 days
i used to have to water twice daily at times, they got real thirsty

heres my grow journals that i still have onhere

i used to feed twice daily in veg, the growth is so rapid

heres a couple of my old grow journals on here


New Member
i dont need respect from people like you... people are asking simple questions trying to learn and you come in with your big mouth and start yapping shit... all i wanted to know was what ppls thoughts were on this 12/6 cycle.. than i take everyones thoughts and make my own assessment... instead assholes like you come around and start yappin their big mouths!
omg how stressful is this site,

its the blind leading the blind

glad i'm not a newbie learning, i would be fucked here now, at least back in the day i had some people who knew shit to lead the way, i only read 3 pages of this and was like wtf wtf wtf, theres far too many idiots in the world, and most of them have been on this thread.

24/0 creates more males,

18/6 costs less on electric

where do you people get this bullshit

people who don't know anything should listen and learn and stop giving advice.

I want my old handle back, i'd be a god here now
ohh eddie you are such a god! fuck you,, how about that!

how is this even a fucking answer? its just you being a dick,, end of story


New Member
who is trying to force you to understand bullshit?

the only reason why i came in being an ass to you is because you are doing the exact same thing to others,,, im actually a very laid back guy,, except when it come to assholes like you... i think it's YOU who is trying to force people to believe shit... you come around and start answering everones question (like a goddamn knowitall) with a simple yes or no.. any idiot can say yes or no,, lets hear YOU back your shit up,, ive seen nothing but you blowing smoke,, distracting us
i don't need to back anything up, people can take my advice or leave it, its up to them, but i won't stand by and let newbs get bad instructions


New Member
and if you DID read the thread you would also know that i agree that lighting cycle has nothing to do with male/female.. i was simply stating that if nature intends for aprox. 18/6 cycle and thats how every cannabis plant has been growing for all of time (in the wild) i would expect its genetics to want the 18/6 the generations before it got. or do you not believe in genetics?


Well-Known Member
and if you DID read the thread you would also know that i agree that lighting cycle has nothing to do with male/female.. i was simply stating that if nature intends for aprox. 18/6 cycle and thats how every cannabis plant has been growing for all of time (in the wild) i would expect its genetics to want the 18/6 the generations before it got. or do you not believe in genetics?
if you used a timer and did 24/0 but slowly added teh dark time (1 hour every so oftin) how would the plant react?


New Member
and if you DID read the thread you would also know that i agree that lighting cycle has nothing to do with male/female.. i was simply stating that if nature intends for aprox. 18/6 cycle and thats how every cannabis plant has been growing for all of time (in the wild) i would expect its genetics to want the 18/6 the generations before it got. or do you not believe in genetics?
could you re write this please using English, grammar and correct punctuation, your paragraph is a mess


New Member
i mean you are so good you come to a weed forum to put down people asking questions.. and you dont need to be on here,, you are god remember? you know evvverything.. you should be teaching classes and giving seminars... you should even write a book!

or not...


New Member
no it didn't make sense, what has believing in genetics got to do with anything,

as for the first part about 18/6 and this is what the plants are wanting,

18/6 or whatever count is a human measurement, time is our measurement, not the plants, they don't have a linear life they have live by a cycle, they don't know what they want because they don't have a brain, they just adapt and make do with whatever the situation allows for.

The other thing is that most sativa strains come from regions closer to the tropics, where the light cycle is 12 hours of light every day all year, these plants never get 18/6 and get 12/12 from seed, so does this mean they only want 12/12 from seed because if so then anyone who grows a tropical sativa is growing it wrong according to you