Veg+Boom dirty Nutrients in pro mix soil. Please lmk if anyone knows of the watering and feeding schedule


New Member
Hello fellow green thumbs. I’m looking for any advice with the nutrient veg+bloom dirty powder. Do you guys feed once a week ? Or every time you water do you feed ? I’m a bit confused on the feeding and watering schedule with these nutrients. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool. I use HP myself. And you are just using it as it comes straight from the bag? Like, did you mix any ammendment into it before use?


New Member
I haven’t started yet getting everything together. This will be my 3rd grow so I’m still a rookie. Doing my home work now but struggling to find out the feeding schedule for veg bloom dirty. I can’t find it anywhere on the net. Do you feed once a week ? Every water ? Every other ? I just can’t find anything on it.


Well-Known Member
If you run it as is you will be essentially growing in a type of hydroponics referred to as "drain to waste or DTW. Same basic principle as growing in coco. You must fertigate every time you water. You can't think of it like soil. I have found that promix hp likes a nutrient solution in the 6.0 to 6.4 pH range and my personal sweet spot is around 6.3. You want to let your medium get fairly dry before watering (one area where it differs from coco) as it doesn't seem to like being constantly wet. I try to shoot for a pot size allows me to make sure they are fully drying out at least daily when the plants are in late veg and into flower. It is really easy to go to big when choosing a pot size for a pro mix grow. As for EC/PPM, I have some girls in mid flower right now and they are being fed daily at about 850 ppm on the .5 scale.

I'd look and see if the nutrient manufacturers have a DTW feed schedule on their website as a starting point.


New Member
Hello fellow green thumbs. I’m looking for any advice with the nutrient veg+bloom dirty powder. Do you guys feed once a week ? Or every time you water do you feed ? I’m a bit confused on the feeding and watering schedule with these nutrients. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
did you manage to get info re veg and bloom dirty feeding schedule in soil? The charts online are all for hydro. I'm using 40% vermiculite 40% compost and 20 % worm castings. Would appreciate any info.