Veg-Flower- Re-Veg (stunt growth?)


Active Member
Have a problem... trying to save energy on my electricity so im vegging plants while my first grow is still nearing its end of flowering... so iv had my plants that are about 12inch in 12/12 light for about 7 days and one day i took them outside to get their 18/6 from sun.. im going to do that for now on... but today all the tips of the nodes of my plants are starting to flower... im afraid if i reveg them now which im doing they wont extend!! they were vegging so well... not all the nodes are turning into tiny buds if i reveg now they will continue getting longer again? cannot be stuck with 12 inch plants, they are bushy but flowers just started to form.. even the top is forming a white fuzzy bud will it continue to stretch if i reveg????? help :(


Well-Known Member
yes they do. not really a preference for a lot of growers for the hormonal shifts and stresses it can cause. If genetics are poor it can mutate the plant sometimes causing funny leaf growth and bud development. I had a GHS Church like this. It isn't going to stunt the growth, more-so than slow it. I really don't follow what exactly you're doing...but bottom line if you have to re-veg them you can do so, it may take a week or so but they will grow bigger once they enter veg state fully.


Active Member
Your post is confusing. You put your plants under 12/12 then switched them to 18/6?
They were growing under 12/12 for a week with my plants in the last weeks of flowering... now they have a tiny buds on thier nodes real small ones, and im putting them back into veg... hope the nodes will drop the buds and continue to grow... i don't see how the nodes will drop the buds!! and stretch!