Veg for over 7 weeks -- little growth

hey folks,

I'm having some trouble with my grow - its been nearly 8 weeks in veg and they have only grown about 6". I thought I would be into flowering by now. The plants dont look as healthy as they did, the leaves seem to be getting lighter, there are some spots on them and they are a bit droopy. I have attached some pics. Not really sure what to do. Any advice would be great. Thanks :)IMG_0292.jpgIMG_0291.jpgIMG_0293.jpgIMG_0289.jpgIMG_0290.jpg



Well-Known Member
not to be rude but those are the smallest 2 month old plants Ive ever seen! have you used nutes on them?


Well-Known Member
Your ph is off a good bit. Thats why they have not grown hardly at all. I bet thats sand your growing in too. If you use nutes while the ph is off it will cause salty build up on the roots causing the plants to die. Its called nute burn. Ps. hahahahaha. You thought you would have buds in 8 weeks. Man it takes you to change the lighting schedule to 12/12. Meaning 12 on and 12 off. + rep for trying.
I know, it sucks lol. I havent used any nutes at all. I read that the soil Im using has enough nutes for the plants full life cycle. I used John Innes NO1 for the first 6 weeks or so, then I repotted them with John Innes NO2 soil and into bigger pots because I thought I was maybe stunting their growth in the smaller pots. Is nutes the way to go with the condition of the plants? thanks :)


Well-Known Member
looks over watered it might be because of those treys you have under the pots......maybe some root rot and ph problems.........dont use those trays till they are bigger.......and wait till the soil dyes up completely before you water them


Well-Known Member
no dont start putting nuts like crazy youll kill them you should still have plenty in the soid considering how small they are...... try puttin them out side for a day or two.....what are your temps????what stain are they???


Well-Known Member
I know, it sucks lol. I havent used any nutes at all. I read that the soil Im using has enough nutes for the plants full life cycle. I used John Innes NO1 for the first 6 weeks or so, then I repotted them with John Innes NO2 soil and into bigger pots because I thought I was maybe stunting their growth in the smaller pots. Is nutes the way to go with the condition of the plants? thanks :)
No man I just told you your ph is out of whack and if you do not FIX THAT your plant will die bro. You already said the soil has its own nutes as well. FIX THE PH MY FRIEND.
Its soil with added perlite. I tried a PH test a couple of weeks ago and it was slightly more on the acidic side. I thought I would have buds and onto a diff lighting schedule but I was waiting till there were about 12" tall lol. Its not going very well


Well-Known Member
No man I just told you your ph is out of whack and if you do not FIX THAT your plant will die bro. You already said the soil has its own nutes as well. FIX THE PH MY FRIEND.
yepp.....also please dont try everything at once try one fix at a time and give it like 2-3 days to take affect its real easy to take everyones advice and flush it and fix the ph and do this and that and vualla your plants dead.....


Well-Known Member
let me ask you somthing when you water the plants do you let water drip out the bottem? or do you just keep them in those treys?


Well-Known Member
yeah you should just flush them wait for them to get dry i mean really dry and the water them with like 2 gallons of neutral water slowly thats probably what messed up your ph you dont let the plant drain with those plates.


Your light looks like it is way to far away, and I don't see any fans, you need air movement.

Watch this at least 100 times with a notepad and a pen before continuing to waste your time and money. It amazes me how many people want their hands held in this forum, all newbies make mistakes, but you have to research and actually want to do it right to get anywhere. trust Jorge Cervantes, buy his growing bible, don't expect random people on a forum to teach you the basics.



Well-Known Member
im a noob here ,but id like to add, i use bottled water at room temp, has a natural ph of 7.
I use the plates really just to catch the water so it doesnt go on the floor, i empty them if there is water in them. Should they be removed completely? Im growing skunk NO1. I water them with tap water, but only if it has been sitting out for a few days to get rid of the chlorine. Im just confused why they are small and its starting to get a bit frustrating tbh. Should I test my PH again and maybe try to sort that? thanks :)


Well-Known Member
you can just get a big jugg of sink water and let it sit outside for 24 hours with no cap and it will be good........
Your light looks like it is way to far away, and I don't see any fans, you need air movement.

Watch this at least 100 times with a notepad and a pen before continuing to waste your time and money. It amazes me how many people want their hands held in this forum, all newbies make mistakes, but you have to research and actually want to do it right to get anywhere. trust Jorge Cervantes, buy his growing bible, don't expect random people on a forum to teach you the basics.

The light is 400W. I read somewhere that it was to be just over a meter away from the plants when they are young. I have a fan which is also on a timer blowing into the room with the door ajar, although I dont have any extraction fan or anything.