Veg inside a closet, Bud outside in greenhouse. S.D.


Hey what up, So here's my idea: I'm gonna mom, veg and clone in my closet. And use my 8x12' greenhouse to bud in. I might grow a few in there all season, but mainly want to use it to flower only. I'm in San Diego so the night time weather wont be an issue (maybe in the winter nights, but i wont worry about that till it's time). A couple of questions: I'm vegging ing 1.5 gallon pots with soil, (using nothing but fox farm soil and nuets) A'm I gonna want to transplant those girls into a 3 to 5 gallon to flower ? And do i do it the day i transfer them into the greenhouse, or should i do it like a week before giving them time to adapt, maybe even throw them outside for a while during the day to get used to the sun? Thanks for all and any input and questions. I will snap some photos and post them up soon.

Thanks Again.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would Transplant asap..

Might as well get it overwith.

Plus, the plant will enjoy all that extra room for its roots to grow.

Ive seen alot of unhealthy plants, due to cramped quarters.


being a sd native i have some insight for you.
I would def transplant to 5 gal pots asap. Get those mamas root system developing
Harden off the plant a couple days by taken them outside at the crack of dawn and bring em in at night to get used to the sunlight if you can
And most important watch for the eye in the sky. Outdoor growing is sketchy in sd county (even medicinally) and i seen many people get taken out


Yeah, Last season they were circling around. I only had 6 (limit in S.D county) never got fucked with. Thats why this year they will be in a greenhouse. I think thats the medical law for growing outdoor in S,D. They have to in a locked up greenhouse?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
any other advice for outdoor growers who are legal? In so cal it is a locked greenhouse with the 6 and 12 rule. PAper I guess displayed, the cerifacate i mean.