veg light need some advice guys


what lights should i be using for 2/3 plants in a 4ftx2ftx6ft while there in the vegging stage any advice appreciated im a complete n3wb thanks guys:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
Wow, I have alot of ideas! Is your room vented? How are they vegging, in soil or hydro? What do you want to do with them, keep them as moms or take them into flowering? I am running 3 8 lamp t-5 fixtures over my moms and they are great! I went from a 1000w MH to those t-5's and could not be happier.


Well-Known Member
same here. Have 2 MH's sitting in boxes since I got my 4 foot 8 tube t5. think the sunblaze is 48"x22", would fit perfectly. Put it on pulleys or yo-yo's or something so you can raise it with the plants easily. T5's should be very close to plants. A small fan helps with this as well :)


it will be vented, not definite on how atm, but been thinking about bathroom extraction fans, or something cheap ;) and theyll be in soil and im planning to take them to flowering i was swaying towards t 5's tbh thanks for the advice keep it comming


and wheres the best place to get t5s guys? how many watts will i need? sorry if these are pretty basic questions, thanks again


Well-Known Member
Where ever you want to get them from! I use the sunlight supply tek lights for my vegging. The more watts the better, especially since u aren't getting the intensity! But they will be nice and cool for you. You could go with a larger bath fan but look around online and you can find nicer fans maybe cheaper.

newb weed grower

Active Member
hmm i wish i had all that exspensive cool stuff
all i got is some cfls some sugar yeast water nutrient and a bag of hopes and its all ive needed so far yay


Well-Known Member
the sunblaze is an incredible price for their 8 bulb 4 foot. I have had one for about 6 months and have been pleased as punch with it. Already have plans to get another one or two at some point.

I and others all mentioned that we started with HID's for veg and after trying the T5's stuck with them, but one caveat you have to keep in mind is that none of us are probably vegging much larger than ~36 inches. If you want to grow trees, the T5's aren't going to cut it unless you wrap the plant in them. For that height you really do need the penetration of HID. The T5's grow great bushes up to about 30-36" if used properly, but after that the plant just becomes a few feet of canopy.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
T5's are perfect for me since i don't let my plants get taller than 12-18".

I am building a new CFL flower cab with a 250W CFL and 4 2' T5's in each of the corners hung vertically. 346w to compare to an identical grow under 400w HPS. I'll be doing these simultaneously. (the HPS will be soil and the CFL will be DWC, next grow both DWC)