Well-Known Member
Im not sure there all conversions I don't think since ive seen 2 companies claim theres were real MH and not conversions. Go check out a genesis MH 600 and then look at your ushio. There different built. Genesis looks just like a normal 400mh bowling pin shape also why such a huge difference in output? I know ushio doesn't post there lumes now but I know it's 47,000 vs 75000 with genesis. All the conversion MH 600 I've seen are around 50000 lumes where as the only 2 companies I've ever seen claim true MH were both 75,000 lumes and noticeably brighter then conversion versions. Hey when you get a chance and have an extra $50 give one a chance I think you will like them and see what I'm talking about. If you do let me know!ALL 600W Metal Halide Lamps are Conversion Lamps
Ushio doesn't talk Lumens. They talk "PAR (ΜMOL/S):" - the proper horticultural rating
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