Veg period length


Active Member
I have a mostly indica plant thats 2 weeks into veg and has set of 5 growing in (3in-5in tall). I was wondering how much is a safe ammount of a length of time to let this veg before I can set my timer to 12/12 and induce flowering?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Couple quick questions.Is it from seed or clone?What size pot? What kind of light and how many nodes does it have right now?


Active Member
It is seed NL#5 to be exact, Pot is large 6-8Gal and transplant went great no shock, CFL's unfortunatly, have a HPS but no ballast or funds, its on its 4th node.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
hmmm Id let it get to 6 or so nodes with the cfls.The pot size sounds good though. If you get soem cash check out Maryland Hydroponics they have 400 watt digi switchable ballast for $99 and 600 watters for 119.


Active Member
If you let it get too big in veg your plant could outgrow your grow space, just something to think about. Alot of new(er) growers underestimate how much they will gain in height during flowering! Generally,IMO, I think a good rule or thumb is that you can let your plant get up to 1/3 the height of your grow space before flowering. Cfls are O.K., make up in quantity what you lose in other areas to an hps. Good Luck!