veg plants not looking good, Pics included, curling down and yellowing


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone and thanks for checking my thread out. my plants are about 3-4 weeks old in veg and i have 6 plants growing. most of the plants are not looking to good. 1 of them all the the new leaves are skinny and curling down. this started to happen about a week ago. and another plant is started to get the same signs but not as bad as this one. also most of the plants are also showing yellow signs on the tips and outer edges of the leaves, and they are kinda crispy, and they are on most the newer leaves. this is my second grow and my first grow i didn't have this problem. i have decent knowledge on how to grow because i work at a hydro shop, but this is not looking to good. so please any help would be greatly appreciated.

i grow in a 4x4x7 tent with a T5 in 5 gal smart pot. i have an incline fan plus an oscillated fan. i grow in root organic 707 medium. i water with a hydro logic small boy using 2.5ml of cal-mag plus. and i feed with tri-flex grow and base every other watering. and about 3-4 days when the pots feel pretty light i feed or water, my ph is at about 6.5.. thanks again everyone and please any tips will help



Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention I used rootbastic the first week and half, but only half the recommended dose of .7 ml which made my roots shoot out everywhere, really good stuff


Well-Known Member
The lights I use in veg are T5's its 6 lamp fluorescent lights, it covers all 6 plants and I've used it in previous grows with outstanding results. I would be surprised its nuts burn since I use half the recommended dose the first few weeks with every other watering, if it is nuts burn should I flush it?


Well-Known Member
what you check your ph with. im leaning towards over waterting- nut burn. not sure back off the waterting and feeding. what kind of container are they in.


Well-Known Member
No this is a different strain, im growing 5 l.s.d.'s and one bubble gum strain. My last grow was Alaskan thunder fuck and had no problem with that strain at all, it grew big and bushy and got almost a half a pound on each plant. This l.s.d. strain is giving me a really hard time and can't tell what's going on. I water about every 3-4 days so I wouldn't think its over watering. The temp is at about 80 degrees and the humidity Is at about 70% also.. the p.h. is between 6.5 and 6.8.. thanks everyone for your input


Active Member
Is your LSD Lemon Skunk Diesel? I'm growing that strain and noticed it doesnt like alot of nutes. I have 5 different strains that i fed all the same, and the LSD def got nute burn, along with SSH, but not as bad.


Well-Known Member
not sure exactly what type the LSDs are but they are LSD from barney seeds, if its nute burn should i flush them? and does anyone else think they are nute burn or anything else?? thanks for all the replies


Well-Known Member
are u sure thats your ph in the soil, or are you just watering with 6.5ish level water?... if you have not checked the soil's ph, it might be that.. so check the runoff.... what do you use to check your ph?.... also, you might be giving them too much calcium, as i think that small boy doesnt remove calcium from your water.... but correct me if im wrong... to be safe, i would stop feeding it cal mag for a while, and see if you see a difference........ I say you lay off all nutrients for a while, and water it with half small boy filtered water, and half tap water to be sure.... unless you're positive you have horrible horrible water out of the tap..... You should also start using Vinegar as your ph down, and baking soda for ph up (or dolomite lime/sulfer) as hydroponic ph up/down is too harsh on soil, as it builds up over time, and can hurt your plants.... Unless you wanna flush alot more often....... If anything, I would say PH problems in the soil.. But those others are possible also


Well-Known Member

Nice, Icy, but here is an other site that shows pics with much more detail, and also ALOT of other more useful info on PH, and which soils to avoid, and lots of helpful tips....and also shows alot of common Mistakes people make, and also shows how you can pretty much grow cannabis from start to finish, with great yeilds with just using good soil with decent NPK Ratios that will last you up to 6 months.... So has shown me that people wasting money on 50 bottles of nutrients are just suckers for marketing, and a plant can pretty much grow itself under a good environment... But, hey... If you're one of those users, and if you have the flow, and if it makes you happy, then why not?.. I'm so glad i ran into it, saved my plants life, as I was using Jiffy Pellets, and turns out they are very acidic..... I now am really careful on how to check ph, and how important it really is..... My first 2 grows were hydro, and they turned out great!.... I nearly hit the gram per watt with only a 150w hps in 100 days flat... seed to harvest.... So when I did that, I thought I could do anything.... Boy was I wrong.... If anything, Hydro is for noobs, and successful Soil growers really get my respect now.... Especially those who dont have the option of a hydro shop, and cant get foxfarm, or canna coco's..... Best I can do is Lowes, and Walmart.... So I have been testing out soils there.... MG Moisture Control is extremely acidic as well.... I ended up buying some other kind which is a seed starting soil, and it has perfect ph... I just mixed it with Organic Compost, Landscaping soil and MG Perlite(also from lowes), so the soil that im using now is very well balanced after some adjustments using a tad of Vinegar with my water, and re-fertilizing my soil ....


Well-Known Member
Back off watering and nutes, when they dry out(stick your finger 3-4" into the soil if it's moist dont water also do the lift test combine them) and when their dry flush them real good then just water with correct ph water for the next few waterings and see how your plant goes. I would recommend using FoxFarm happy frog or ocean forest for soil grows. It is perfect ph if you adjust your water to 6.5-6.8 also mix about 20% perlite with the soil.