VEG Plants not looking the best... help please


Active Member
I've attached pictures of the plants together and pictures of one individual plant that is particularly bad...

Indoor grow
Alternate between feed / water everyday
Coco + perlite + moss mix (50/40/10)
Week 4.5 of Veg

The leaves are always a bit wrinkled and some are deformed... The one plant has some weird colors showing on the bottom leaves but that isnt found in really any of the other plants. Maybe a couple but overall the color is green on all the plants. Just the deformity and wrinkling that has me bothered as I don't know what the issue is.

Temps during lights on: 80 / Off: 70
Humidity: 50-65%
PH; feed days ph is always 5.8-6.0 .... water days 6.0-6.3

Any ideas on why they're looking this way?



Well-Known Member
feed/water every day is too much feed. maybe too much water. let the soil dry out. that one leaf that is yellow with dark brown areas looks like too much phosphorus. your ph is too low. 6.2-6.8 is a better range for soil. does your soil already have nutrients in it? what soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
Definitely over fertilized. N toxicity as well as a couple others. Straight water til they look normal again.

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Active Member
feed/water every day is too much feed. maybe too much water. let the soil dry out. that one leaf that is yellow with dark brown areas looks like too much phosphorus. your ph is too low. 6.2-6.8 is a better range for soil. does your soil already have nutrients in it? what soil are you using?
I alternate feed and water... so For example, today was feed... tomorrow will be water... I monitor how wet the soil is, so somedays I give them nothing... but I try to give them enough to be hungry for the next day. I DONT give them water AND food in the same day.

It is not soil. The mix is coco/perlite/moss


Active Member
Definitely over fertilized. N toxicity as well as a couple others. Straight water til they look normal again.

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I'll drop the amount of food (going by a generic GH feeding schedule, ill lower it down to week 2 levels) and bump the PH to 6.0-6.2 and see how that works.

but flushing with water before i do that.


Well-Known Member
you try to give them enough to be hungry for the next day? did you mean not hungry?
the nutrients you put in the grow mix will stay for a while. are you not mixing the fert with water? the way you wrote about it just seems like you're just giving the fert without water. not diluting the fert is probably a mistake. just looking to clarify what you wrote is all. you don't need to feed every other day or every two days if you have a potting mix that will hold nutrients for a while. make sure you let the soil dry out before you water again. not super dry, but pretty dry before you water. then water all the way through to a little run off.


Well-Known Member
Overfertilized and ph lockout is my $0.02. If you have had your ph in the low 6 range, bump it up to 7 for your next water, and after that shootfor 6.5-6.8 and see what it responds best to. Water when your planter feels lite, or when the top inch of soil is bone dry. Fertilize every other watering at most. Start with what you think is too little and work your way up slowly.

Good luck dude!


Active Member
you try to give them enough to be hungry for the next day? did you mean not hungry?
the nutrients you put in the grow mix will stay for a while. are you not mixing the fert with water? the way you wrote about it just seems like you're just giving the fert without water. not diluting the fert is probably a mistake. just looking to clarify what you wrote is all. you don't need to feed every other day or every two days if you have a potting mix that will hold nutrients for a while. make sure you let the soil dry out before you water again. not super dry, but pretty dry before you water. then water all the way through to a little run off.
Lol I should be more clear. I'm not just dumping fert without water.... I mix each fert into the water after waiting a couple mins before putting in the next and the next. Yes I dilute with water. When I say I alternate feed / water every day. I mean Day1: Fert mixed with water, Day2: Plain water with ph adjusted. Day3: Fert mixed with water (PH adjusted)