veg question


Well-Known Member
a decent schedule is to roll 2 plants every 2 weeks. put 2 into flower, pull 2 out. if you can avg 2 z a plant (which isnt hard at all) thats a qp every 2 weeks, that should keep pops smoking...
its kind of hard to stay on pace unless you keep a good flow of clones and vegg goin, just pick your two best girls and take em to the ball. if you get to many vegg goin, sell or give them away. the key to this is to find good 8 week strains. the longer the strains take to finish, the more plants you will have in flower. that may be a small problem depending on your area.

I have been trying a cpl diff schedules, used to vegg for 30 days, now im going 2 months. im running a 1k hps in flower, jus upgraded my vegg to a 400 mh
i liked pulling every 2 weeks, the supply was more constant. I dont like long flowering strains. I grow a cheese that will do the job in 2-3 hits, and im a heavy smoker.
i keep hearing about the killer sativa high, but have yet to grow one to finish. I had some hawaiin snow from GHS, they were looking good, then slam almost overnight i got a might infestation, completely took them over. so i trashed em.


Well-Known Member
By the time those reach 28 days veg your clones should be going into veg room and you'll have them set about a month apart

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
im liking this 2 week schedule thing but this is what im working with. a 4x4x6 flower room with a 600 hps. a 3x3x6 veg room with a 250 hps and a my closet is the clone and mother room with a t5 2' 4 bulb light system. is this enough to do the 2 week schedule?


Well-Known Member
ok, my vegg is 2x4x4t, clones are above that in a 2x4x2t, flowers are in a 3x5x6t. i can fit 18 if i wanted to cram them in there. 12 is about max working number tho.

i clone with a old 4' t12 2 bulb floro (ya its weak, getting 2 new 2' 4 bulb t5's soon enough. vegg 400MH now (was a 175w MH till two days ago) and the 1k in flower.


Well-Known Member
8 is good, if they are done in 8 weeks. 6 of them will be flowering, 2 of them will be in preflower, they wont have developed buds yet, so technically, they aint budding and shouldnt count as flowering plants.
if they run longer than 8 weeks of flowering, then youll either have to pull early :( or hold off on adding the next two. at most I will give them a week longer if they are just being dumb and not finishing. then they gotta go.

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
well thats even better for the size of my room. would you grow the plant straight up or use some adv tech during veg stage?


Well-Known Member
Well if you like what topping does for you do that LST is another way to go...even defoliation but that is a much debated topic...personally i use defoliation, whats the point of a leaf in the shade?


Well-Known Member
well, for me, I have noticed when growing from clones they need help being bushy anyways. course that could be caused by my weak clone lights so i top my veggys as they grow, not just the tops either ill hit side branches also. so if i need more clones than the mother will provide then ill use the tops i cut off.

i usually go from cloner to 2 or 3 liter bottles, ill leave them up there in the clone area while they get used to the dirt. (i use a bubble cloner) and I think it causes me a little stretch cuz of the light. jus a theory at this point, once i get my new lights ill be able to tell for sure.

I then go from those 2/3L pots to 4g containers right into flower. i dont have the room for the veggys to get over the repot, they go straight to flower.

I have a cheese mom that i could probly wack 20 clones off right now, shes about 2 1/2 feet tall, bushy as all hell. some day shes gonna be a monster in flower.

i find weed is a lazy plant, they love being supported. use sticks or cages to support your branches, your buds will fatten up.


Well-Known Member
Monster plants i love em mothers that go for a year then you flower you'd end up with buds the size of your leg

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
but wont fimming cause the plant to have multiple colas? so why no do this? or will i not have enough time to develop the buds?

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
so what would be a good way to harvest every 2 weeks? could you maybe give me a rough timeline of how and when i should start everything. cloning veg flower


Well-Known Member
To do this two weeks apart you would have to start one clone after another every 2 weeks if you veg for a month you would always have 2 plants in your veg room and 4 in your flower room at all times