I didnt know that about the yield quotes on breeder websites actually. And that's alot better than I expected if everything is done right with the right strain u could get a pound per plant in a month veg. That's alot better than I was thinking it would be unless I misunderstood u. Preshiate the knowledge
Yeah about a pound is a piss take lol.
it’s the usual response when people ask how much will I yield lol.
4 weeks veg Then flower using 250w is not gonna produce the same as 4 weeks veg and flower with a 1000w.
more light usually equals more yield but only to a point.
there’s also the light saturation point where too much light can cause issues.
then there’s the fact you’re planning seeds each time.
you could buy 10 seeds.
plant 5 ( feminised )
All 5 of those same strain plants could grow very differently and exhibit different traits of its lineage each and every time.
that’s why people pheno hunt to find that 1 special plant that produces good yields and dense buds in a decent amount of time.
but again this takes time to organise and sort through.
you could go through 100 different seeds trying to find that 1 keeper phenotype.