Vegan Edibles?


Ive been looking at alot of recipes on how to make edibles and they all require you to make cannabutter first with.. butter.
I was just wondering does anyone know any vegan edibles recipes or how to infuse the buds with something other than butter

Thanks ^-^!
Coconut oil
You can also just make canna oil for baking which works just the same

I'm pretty sure you can use earth balance as well
You can take any vegan baking recipe and either use canna oil or canna butter where they state vegan butter or oil
Coconut oil
I'm pretty sure you can use earth balance as well
Yeah, I've done both. It works well. Really easy to do.

Now I use a concentrate, or a concentrate in MCT(medium chain triglyceride) coconut oil. I can do a pretty good extraction with grain alcohol. But it's a bit of a process.
i infuse coconut oil and replace it 1 for 1 with butter in recipes that use butter. it works in 90% of things and i prefer the taste. hope this helps :)
I use coconut oil mixed with 1:1 with coconut butter to thicken it. Coconut oil seems to leech out of baked goods if you substitute it directly. Is alcohol vegan? Microorganisms were used and distilled.
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I use It mixed with 1:1 with coconut butter to thicken it. Coconut oil seems to leech out of baked goods if you substitute it directly. Is alcohol vegan? Microorganisms were used and distilled.
depends on what, some wine places filter through fish bladders which isnt vegan

microorganisms arent exactly an animal that screams and bleeds when killed to be eaten, like fungus such as mushrooms are vegan
I'm going to infuse Crisco vegetable shortening soon. And some butter. Shortening is vegan I believe. (I used to be vegan, have been vegetarian for 43 years). It should be able to replace butter in recipes.
I'm going to infuse Crisco vegetable shortening soon. And some butter. Shortening is vegan I believe. (I used to be vegan, have been vegetarian for 43 years). It should be able to replace butter in recipes.
yes and no

its 100% vegan ingredients however it is owned by proctor and gamble, who are not vegan friendly at all so really depends how far you are into the animal rights

crisco isnt exactly the healthiest substitution either
It's fat soluble. That's all the THC needs. Butter, shortening, lard, oil, cream, etc are all just fats.

I've read you can infuse it into a vegetable oil, mix that with heated peanut (or almond, cashews, etc) butter, and chow. Some others just ground bud up really fine, mixed it with the peanut butter, warmed.

That's certainly vegan. You could make your own nut butters. :-)
that is exactly how I do my peanut butter :) Use my coffee grinder to turn decarbed trim into flour consistency then add to my peanut butter and cook for an hour. Easy peasy, no straining necessary. I use 1 gram per ounce of pb, but you can certainly do more.

I have made the crisco stuff before too. make it the same way you do your butter or coconut oil.
It's fat soluble. That's all the THC needs. Butter, shortening, lard, oil, cream, etc are all just fats.

I've read you can infuse it into a vegetable oil, mix that with heated peanut (or almond, cashews, etc) butter, and chow. Some others just ground bud up really fine, mixed it with the peanut butter, warmed.

That's certainly vegan. You could make your own nut butters. :-)
ya the op said
Alright, do you have to use a lipid cause i really dont eat fat's.. D:

meaning, he /she isnt a big fat liker, so ,since unfortunately cannabis must use a fat in abutter instance, they probably want something more healthier than crisco
hence the coconut oil suggestion in the beginning posts