Vegans/raw-foodists/healthy eaters: HOW DO YOU EAT YOUR HERB? Recipes?

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I have changed the way i eat, and i am no longer interested in eating nasty processed brownies. I normally don't eat any animal products (anymore), but i recently got some cannabutter that a friend made with his trim. The box of brownies that my girlfriend bought has in ingredient list full of chemicals, refined sugars, and animal products.

I have pretty much accepted that i'm going to be consuming a little bit of butter over the next few weeks, but adding in processed junk on top of all the animal fat is just too much.

I remember having "goo-balls" at hippie shows years ago, that had oats, granola, seeds and shit like that.
Does anyone have any healthy recipes for consuming herb? :weed:
Thanks in advance for any help here.
anybody? Everybody eats crap food? i have seen many food threads on here with people who eat good food, so i know i can't be alone.
Bump. Anyone?

This seems to be common place nowadays on this site. When someone asks for help, the thread sits unused, but if i put something political in the title, i'd have 4,000 comments by now.
Hello, I am totally agree with you. I have seen many thread over there and every thread discussion is interesting.

I am a vegetarian and not like to eat meat and other animal products. I quit to eat meat when I first saw the killing cow in front of my eyes. that was the so embarrassing moment. :-x

miami plastic surgeon
My exwife is vegan. I would always take 2 oz of trim and add that to 14oz of nice raw coconut oil. Equal parts water to oil and herb....24hours in crockpot, strain in cheesecloth and you are good to go.

As you know, you can use coconut oil for most anything. banana bread is my fav. Just use good, wholegrain & natural ingredients and you're golden!!

Not a recipe but ya know. Good luck
Just made a batch with cold pressed coconut oil that came out great. I also have some flax seed oil and hempseed oil I'm planning on trying. Just adding keif to any low temp dish should work great also. I've also added hash oil to recipes and had it work great.