Vegas micro mini grow w limited space....


Well-Known Member
Growin in tha outback aye....god I bet u got crazy pests over there....that outback shits serious wildlife
Gotta be some wallabys and shit!!!!!!!.... lol.....seriously though LGCritical,what kind of pest/critters do you have to worry about??

Btw....plant looks good Vega!!:clap:


Well-Known Member
Ha.....have u seen I think its called "wolf creek"...or somthing like that...where those kids get stranded in their car at that meteore site n get kidnapped by that dude who tortures em n shit...sppsd to b tru story....IN THE OUTBACK


Well-Known Member
Settled on the strain name....."Spring Valley Kush".....Spring Valley is where the strain was bred...its an area where I live and grew up...seems try n combine the names of the strains bred into this cross just wasnt working out...not that the name really matters cause its all just for fun anyway....but its pretty cool having a plant/strain that u bred urself...even if it was an accident...ha:)


Well-Known Member
Gotta be some wallabys and shit!!!!!!!.... lol.....seriously though LGCritical,what kind of pest/critters do you have to worry about??

Btw....plant looks good Vega!!:clap:
Well I live near the beach and we get a lot of great whites around here,blue ring octopus, stingrays, um we have these porcupine things called echidnaimagesCA4US07E.jpg wallaby, wombat, kangaroo, feral pigs, giant razorback (need big knife this one ) Pig1.jpg lots of rabbits, quokka they cute but they will eat your face off given the chance(they come from a small island called Rottnest ie Rats nest) r207076_790226.jpg giant crocodile 802197-giant-croc-in-ute.jpgvicious koala koala-dt-431x300.jpg baby stealing dingo, emu, ostrich birdostrich_head.jpg wild horses, camels, deadly snakestiger-snake.jpgferal cats, feral dogs, giant ants 1265227539-Kangaroo-Island-Australia-Oceania-Kangaroo-Island.jpg zoo escaped leopardsimagesCA40X62C.jpg hot naked feral chicks run around naked in the bush occasionally stopping to pose for a tourist picture5376_lara-bingle-nude-gqde-01-435x580.jpgdropbearsdropbear1.jpgrelative of koala/bit scarier , big bird eating spiders, other venomous spiders, redback, huntsman View attachment 2732973amongst others


Well-Known Member
Well I live near the beach and we get a lot of great whites around here,blue ring octopus, stingrays, um we have these porcupine things called echidnaView attachment 2732953 wallaby, wombat, kangaroo, feral pigs, lots of rabbits, quokka they cute but they will eat your face off given the chance(they come from a small island called Rottnest ie Rats nest) View attachment 2732985vicious koala View attachment 2732956 baby stealing dingo, emu, ostrich birdView attachment 2733003 wild horses, camels, deadly snakesView attachment 2732959feral cats, feral dogs, giant ants View attachment 2733004 zoo escaped leopardsView attachment 2732965 hot naked feral chicks run around naked in the bush occasionally stopping to pose for a tourist pictureView attachment 2732989dropbearsView attachment 2732971relative of koala/bit scarier , big bird eating spiders, other venomous spiders, redback, huntsman View attachment 2732973amongst others
Damn......hahahaha....u forgot the critical u really forgot the alligators?....zoo escaped leopards. .hahah....the chick thing must be awesome tho...:)


Well-Known Member
N yeah I could never step foot in the ocean where u live....that shark shit freaks me out.....way too much JAWS as a kid...ha


Well-Known Member
Just finished up her first round of training...she didnt seem to mind it a bit....20130711_173342.jpg20130711_173336.jpg20130711_173425.jpg20130711_174740.jpg20130711_174758.jpg20130711_174749.jpg...added a light too...a 42watter....its made a big diff...its kickin in there now...6 23watters and the 42...thats 180actual watts...for the small space I think its gonna be enuf...positioning is key tho as always w cfls.....when the two tops get a little taller theyll get bent n pinned too...


Well-Known Member
This mornings response to the training...20130712_090422.jpg20130712_090443.jpg....everything I bent down is turning bk up....good girl