Vegging indoors for 8 months before bringing outside, good idea?


Active Member

I have my own 300 acre property in the middle of no where (fenced area) that I am looking to grow one huge massive 20 foot+ plant. Basically I want to vegg it indoors for a good 8 months, hopefully do some LST on it. The area I want to grow it in has 15 feet ceilings and I'm looking to use 5000 watts Metal Hallide Lights for it + on the sides probably 20-30 CFL's. I plan to use a 1000 gallon smart pot to vegg indoors and have that ontop of trailer (this area is basically a garage in my 300 acre property) that I can move the plant with a pick up truck. Then I plan to remove the plant off the trailer into the hole and cut the growing pot so that I can submerge the roots into the soil. The area I'm growing it has a boat load of space and gets plenty of light as well as very fertile soil. I plan to bring the plant outdoors as soon as the growing season start(late april next year). So what do you guys think about this idea, would I be successful, how much yield could I bring?

Also if this matters I plan to grow either Nirvana Big bud or white widow.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Holy cow.... Please try this out. sounds like an epic experiment. I don't know if an old indoor (spoiled) plant will be to happy about transitioning to outdoors. But I really haven't heard or seen this tried out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that much veg time indoors means you'll have to be extremely careful with the transition to outdoors & hardening her off. It could be done I'm sure. If me I'd do it like this. Start plant in January from seed & find the female you want to keep. Grow that bitch for 6 months topping & training her in a 45-60 gal. Air pot that's mobile on a rolling cart. Easier to roll in & out when you go to harden her off. Good luck.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
You would need a crane to move a 1000 gallon pot off a trailer and a cherry picker to spray for bugs.

I can't help but wonder why? Not saying it wouldn't be awesome, but 40 regular 6-8 footers would probably yeald more quality bud than 1 monster.

diet coke

Active Member
you can get a massive plant outdoors I would only veg for 2 months then ship it. :) but you might need a different strain to get a huge plant.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I would think about the costs too. Soil, lights, nutrients, etc. that's gonna add up quick. Just the electric bill for those 8 months may not be worth it financially.


Well-Known Member
what an awesome project. I don't have the balls or the bucks to do it but I have always wondered just how far you can push it. I know of mother plants that have been kept in excess of 10 years and heard plenty of stories of much older plants. I did read somewhere of a project some people were talking about where they would build a 3 story greenhouse and veg the plant for 2 years - that would make a monster. you do need the right strain though - probably a 50/50 hybrid. I doubt an indica would get that big, and while a sativa certainly would, you want some meat on those buds. blue dream and casey jones are pretty classic examples of a plant that can grow huge. I wouldn't make it yer only plant though, in case it doesn't work out.


Active Member
shit.... vegg as long as you want. i have. and i will again. Thats how i get my spring harvest! shit keep that shit at 18 hours for many a months!


Well-Known Member
lol think of the cost. dude just said he got 300 acres and 15 ft cielings.... dont think cost is an issue. but ya man i think the 1000gal indoor is a tad excessive. maybe a 100 gal to start and keep it on a dolly or trailer whatever. and than by the end of 6-8 months it should be out growing that sucker. and than in the ground outdoors shit would goo nutss.
please do this. and yield could go from 3-5lbs if done right. as ppl with 6-7 ft plants accomplish 1-2 lbs


Well-Known Member
i would NOT however, think the product would end up being worth more than the money u spent man. 5 pounds @ maxxx 4k each is 20k. 5000wats and 100 -1000 gallons of soil and the nute feedings would run you into the 5 figures i would think.


Well-Known Member
a 20ft + plant? I'd love to see this. Im not really sure your going to get that big of a plant out of it, but i suppose it is possible with the right conditions, there are many images of plants this big, but I have a feeling those take a few years to reach that size. I say go for it and show us the results, vegging indoors for 8 months i dont think is really necessary though, probably 3-4 months of hard veg then a month or two of conditioning by taking it outdoors for a while every day before you transplant into earth would get her ready for the harsher outdoor environment


Well-Known Member
Ive heard of (and believe) plants yielding 12+ lbs. I believe 20 is possible, and this is just about how you would have to do it. if you had an outlet for clones you could recoup the cost of the long indoor veg by continuously cleaning up the bottoms and making new babies.


Well-Known Member
Its definitely not out of the realm of possibility, personally id go for a 20ft WIDE plant before i went for a 20ft tall one, but it can be done just going to take some time and effort, and probably more money than you will get out of it but would be badass to see.


Well-Known Member
This seem's totally doable! I'm not a pro cannabis grower but I can grow a mean crop of fruits and veggies :P

If it were me, i'd start off with a few seed's if they are not feminized seeds for a better female ratio. Start off with around 10-15 watts from a cfl then add more when needed. As for a 5000 watt MH for a single plant. Seem's like a bit of over kill but I am not sure. Top it and train it so it stays low and bushy. I'd start off with a pretty decent sized bucket, 5 gallon seem's good to start then prepare for a monster bucket once she fill's that up! I read for every foot of a cannabis plant it equals a gallon of medium. So you can judge the bucket size from that. As for transitioning them outside ( Would love to see this happen!!!

charles lewis

Well-Known Member
shit! i was actually thinkin kinda the same thing. im going to start my outdoor ladies in December & then put them outside under a hoophouse in late march so they can start to flower then reveg!


Man, there are plenty of vids on YouTube that show monster plants that pull over 10lbs per. I personally would love to see it done, I think you might outgrow that 15ft ceiling if you are using that big of a pot and then that being on a trailer.