Vegging outdoor for 13-14 h/d and flowering indoor for 12 hours/day


Active Member
Hi guys,

Just like the title says. I want to try vegging my plants outdoor for 4 weeks and then bring them inside for flowering. I am in Southern hemisphere and we have pretty short day here. Currently a day is 13.5 hours. but by the time I am ready it is most likely to be 13 hours of light. Adding four weeks will probably come to 12 hours a day.

Is it going to be too short? What kind of problems I can expect? Pests?

Obviously want to cut on electricity cost as it runs for about $500-600 for a cycle at my rates.

I put four plants outdoor after harvesting hopping to get a bit more from popcorn buds. It helped a bit but not as I expected. Only one kept growing buds, the rest started foxtailing and growing very small leaves. Popcorn buds on these plants started to dry out. But that was more than 2 months ago when a day was about 16-17 hours. I cannot see any bugs on them at all.


Well-Known Member
I've done this once in a pinch. When I brought the plants back inside I brought bugs so keep the insecticidal soap ready if you do.
With the amount of light you'll be dealing with your plants may start to flower. Anything less than 14 can/will make it happen.


Active Member
That's what I am afraid of that it especially that the place outdoor that I have for them only gets half of sunlight as the first half the Sun is behind my house.

May be it is worth to wait till I get QBs. I have placed an order for them already and they are coming from China by DHL so I hope to get them in a week. At least they do not consume as much as my Viparspectra lights.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor plants will begin flower at 13 or more hours outdoors here. 12/12 hits late September and most outdoor plants are near done.