Vegging plant with old leaves yellowing and dying

My plant is about a month and a half old. She started out fine and about a week ago the first layer of leaves started yellowing and brown spots rt after the next layer started( the ones w three leaves) now it's starting to get little brown spots a little ways up on first set of leaves that had five... I don't get it because in between the those their are clusters that look fine?


Well-Known Member
Pic would help,

Could be pH

Could be N def

Could be insufficient LIght penetration.

A clear picture would help to determine your problem.

Also any info on the growing environment you can supply ?

Im going to check the Ph level as soon as I get the strips. Only things it ccould be are nutrients, over water, or Cal Mag deficiency


Well-Known Member
Hi Brock

It looks a lot like N deficiency,

possibly magnesium lockout due to hard water too, which also mimics/triggers N deficiency.

Either way, it's a mobile element deficiency, since the old leaves are the ones that are getting chewed up.

This is easily remedied by a nice, thorough, heavy feeding with an even number nutrient, 10-10-10 for example, or something close to that ratio. A medium strength feed, after the soil gets nice and light.

Give it a thorough feed, ph 6.4-7.0, about 50% runoff. This is assuming you are working with a light soil mix with good drainage.

Good luck
Alrighty thanks alot, this is my first time, I don't really understand all the ph stuff?...I've just been using water from my faucet and I run it thru a britta water filter.. Should I use bottled water?


Well-Known Member
I don't know what everyone is talking about. This looks totally normal. The first set of leaves (cotyledons) - the ovular ones - will wither up, yellow, and die off, as well as the first set of true, double-serrated leaves. It's totally natural.

If your new, upper growth were yellowing as well, then you should be concerned. The reason I say it's not nutrient burn or deficiency is the lack of uniformity across the whole plant.

gigi becali

In my opinion your problem is simple ... actuali is not a problem ... but you should check the PH of the water is very important.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what everyone is talking about. This looks totally normal. The first set of leaves (cotyledons) - the ovular ones - will wither up, yellow, and die off, as well as the first set of true, double-serrated leaves. It's totally natural.

If your new, upper growth were yellowing as well, then you should be concerned. The reason I say it's not nutrient burn or deficiency is the lack of uniformity across the whole plant.
Dude, classic nitrogen deficiency is yellowing from bottom to top, its NEVER uniform because the plant moves the nitrogen (its a mobile element) from the older parts to the newer parts due to a deficiency in new nitrogen coming in because it considers the new growth more important.

EDIT: And it will only eat fan leaves until it hits the top of the plant, then it'll start progressing onto your branches and sugar leaves.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what everyone is talking about. This looks totally normal. The first set of leaves (cotyledons) - the ovular ones - will wither up, yellow, and die off, as well as the first set of true, double-serrated leaves. It's totally natural.

If your new, upper growth were yellowing as well, then you should be concerned. The reason I say it's not nutrient burn or deficiency is the lack of uniformity across the whole plant.
Umm, yeah, those lower leaves in the pic aren't the cotyledons. Those are fan leaves.

This is a textbook example of a slight N deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty thanks alot, this is my first time, I don't really understand all the ph stuff?...I've just been using water from my faucet and I run it thru a britta water filter.. Should I use bottled water?
Use distilled water + tap, not the bottled drinking water. Most brands of bottled drinking water have a whole lot of goodies within that can interfere with nutrient availablity.

Brita filters can add sodium, so they should be avoided, too, although some people have used them and got great results. Nothing is truly black & white, you know. This is rule of thumb.


Well-Known Member
And don't worry too too much about ph- unless your starting water ph is above 8.5. In which case you'd go with r.o. of distilled water.

Soil plants have a huge ph range. 5-8-7.8ish.

But if you know what the ph of your nute solution is, the better you will be able to keep things consistent.


Well-Known Member
I stand by my advice that it is normal to lose the first set of fan leaves, but do what you will.


Well-Known Member
I stand by my advice that it is normal to lose the first set of fan leaves, but do what you will.
Yeah, it really won't affect the outcome, at this point. Splitting hairs:)

In any case, it appears as though the plant needs a little invigoration when the time is right.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
dudeoflife - I dig your avatar. Your own photography, perchance?
It sure is! That's one of my hibiscuses that I've been using as my guinea pig:)

And, brock,

It appears as though the plant is starting to show a little more than a N def....

Have you fed the plant anything lately?
Actually just did about three days ago, it was a npk close to what u said the k was like 8 though. Been testing the ph and it is around 6.8. I did flush it after the last time we talked though, I've heard that miracle grow soil releases alotta shit when u do that after I did it.. Waited a few days put in those nuits..