I've noticed on several posts that when time to flower comes many people ad extra lights. In the interest of saving a little energy I was wondering if there would be any significant drawbacks to vegging under Lets say a 175 mh and than flowering with the 250 hps I have. I am limited on space so I plan to stay within the 3by3 area the 250 is rated for which means I only have to veg to about a foot.I want a perpetual grow so
I plan on staggering the plants a ,new clone every 4 weeks or so). I was also worried that the flowring plant wouldn't be done when the new vegging plant is ready to be put in and that perhaps a low power vegging light would help with the timing by not going too fast.Can you experienced guys tel me if this is going to work, pluses and drawbacks.
I plan on staggering the plants a ,new clone every 4 weeks or so). I was also worried that the flowring plant wouldn't be done when the new vegging plant is ready to be put in and that perhaps a low power vegging light would help with the timing by not going too fast.Can you experienced guys tel me if this is going to work, pluses and drawbacks.