that stuff looks nice... It's weird because it seems that this would be quieter than the solid ductwork?
That is the stuff Loud had me get. Now, the results are...
AMAZING!!! Let me find you so I can + rep you Loud.
I did some experiments:
I used the insulated ducting throughout the entire thing. And it was much quieter. (note* we are not talking about the slight hum of the fan. That is different. We are talking about the air noise as it passes through the ductwork)
However, that insulated ducting is a pain in the ass to work with. It has fiberglass so you have to make
SURE you have eye, hand, and breathing protection. (I used the lawn masks that cover your nose/mouth) You will be handling it quite a bit so protection is a must, not an option.
I went back to using the regular ducting on everything before the fan (intake side). I then used insulated ducting on everything after the fan, and it is just as quiet (in my setup). So, I am sticking with just using the insulated on the outtake part of the fan.
Like so
carbon filter -> non-insulated -> HPS(cool tube) -> non-insulated -> [inline fan] -> insulated -> exhaust port [greatly reduced air noise here]
All in all, this is stuff may seem pricey at $25 for 25 ft, BUT it is much cheaper than the duct muffler they sell online.
Thanks again Loud!!!