Ventilation help, Is this acceptable and will it work?


Had a massive revamp on my setup, haven't been able to test it out yet as my plants are not ready for flower just yet,
but it will be:
carbon filter->cooltube->fan->cooltube-> up chimney

The cooltubes will have 600w HPS bulbs, The fan is upto 588 m3/hr, 6 inch diameter

the grow area in metres is 2.4L x 1.2W x 2.0H.

Just basically after knowing whether it will be enough to cool the two lights, and this is with minimal ducting that is completely straight through the room, no bends.

Trying to paint a detailed picture for you but i know its fairly vague and would be hard to say,
Any comments or help would be greatly appreciated as ive always seemed to find ventilation for me is a right fucking pain in the shit chute.

(Reason for no pictures is i just woke up dropped my phone reading an email whilst having a piss, Yes, it went into my piss)

Thanks in advance peeps!


Ah sorry, im european,588 m3/per hour is 346 CFM, intakes another thing, i have two 5" diameter fans and two available inlets at the bottom of the area, which at the moment are just open holes but as i say its not up and running yet, im just really focusing on getting that negative air pressure to prevent smell leaks, What would you recommend?

Thanks for the response!

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I would leave the 2 holes at the bottom open, no fans.
or just 1 fan pushing in,
The other hole should equalize pressure.
But I would let the cool tube fan exit all the air.
Too many unbalanced fans can result in negative air pressure.


I'm sorry but im not going to go through all that information on venilation 101 when all im basically asking is if its ok to pull through one tube and blow through the other, im growing plants not building a space ship, i think ill go ahead and just put the fan infront of both hoods so it pulls through both of them, thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
It's called doing your homework...unless you'd rather have others do it for you.

"How you do one thing,is how you do everything in life.So beware"

Think about that for a minute.


Well-Known Member
If your not willing to read ventilation 101 why should people help you? You won't even help yourself.... Lazy


Well-Known Member
No kidding, take some initiative instead of expecting to be spoonfed everything. People gave you suggestions and then recommended to read the thread so you can implement a solution for yourself. Every grow and every setup is different there is no right or wrong answer