ventilation humidity and temp question.


Active Member
right now i have 2 cool tubes 1000 watt running in my closet. i have a 6"vortex sucking air through them venting into the attic. i also have a portable ac in the room and the heat exhaust i ran into the other end of the cool tube so the fan sucks all the heat from the lights and the ac out and vents through the attic. the room is sealed off and with the ac on it runs at about 84 degrees with a 41% humidity durring the daytime. when the lights and everything turn off the temps and humidity rise over night. i am also running co2 durring the day in there. is it better to install another vent fan in my ceiling that runs all night sucking extra moisture and heat out into the attic or leave the ac running all night? also would it be better to push fresh air in apposed to vent it cuz realistically the ac is scrubbing and venting the stale air correct?

please let me know thoughts and suggestions


Active Member
temp is sustained now at about 79 and humidity of 48 while lights are on but that is constantly running the ac, my 6 hrs of darkness are from noon to 6 pm because of the increased temps in the afternoon. still unsure if i should run the ac when dark to keep the temp down. is it really bad for the plant if the temp goes up like 6-8 degrees when lights flip off?


Well-Known Member
I just leave my AC running all the time, but once I get an environmental controller that will end. I will also have a dehumidifier in there though.


Active Member
Is there any way to use the exhaust fan you already have to vent at night? Might save buying another fan.


Active Member
well yeah its possible to keep running all the time but its not venting air out of the room directly.... it goes from ac exhaust to fist lamp to second lamp to fan to attic, so essentially the ac needs to be on, but i think the air that the ac sucks in and blows through the hot exhause is virtually venting the room correct?
Look dude you need to vent the air out!!!!! Another fan is going to save you money in the long run as opposed to running that ac all the time also the fresh air will make a world of difference.


Active Member
i am venting the air out, im asking if the air the ac is sucking in and exhausting is getting rid of stale stagnent air, or do i need another fan because it pumps quite a bit of air through the exhaust.