Ventilation ideas?


New Member
So i've order mylar 25'X4'and a 600 bestva grow light...ill have 5 plants in a 5'X2.5' space.... the bestva already has fans, sooo what kind of ventalation fans do I need for that space.. theres a window right next to my set up in a basement so I will raise the plants off the ground for the winter...I got all the nutrients and fertilizers required such all 10-52-10 for for promoting roots and 20 20 20 for flowering... got some fish concentrate and algy concentrate for nutrients rich watering solution. I'm mixing in shrimp compost with the soil.. Clones are in dome right now..
5x2.5 is not enough space for 5 plants, you could have 5 but they will be small. I would put 1 plant and train it to fill the space.
and for fans or ventilation just a small 9" or 12" fan will circulate the air around , unless you are concerned about the smell I can't give you any advice about that
Yeah, one or two plants for a 130watt light will do in a 2.5ft space. The fans in the light are just to keep the fan itself from overheating. For ventilation/air exchange, you'll want a 6in fan pulling air out - carbon filter is optional and atleast 2-3 fans inside for circulation.
Yeah, one or two plants for a 130watt light will do in a 2.5ft space. The fans in the light are just to keep the fan itself from overheating. For ventilation/air exchange, you'll want a 6in fan pulling air out - carbon filter is optional and atleast 2-3 fans inside for circulation.
Will I need a proper frame for the mylar? Maybe stick it to the walls hmmmm... ill want it to be air tight I will use the carbon filter.. any quiet duct fans out there??