ventilation question

the closet i have has one of them doors that fold into itself to open, if that makes sense to anyone. and i live in a basement apartment so i cant have the place reeking or the landlord will kick my ass.
and because the closet door opens the way it does, and it having no electrical anything inside of the closet, it wont be able to close all the way while having cords and such going into it for the light system

so am i screwed or is there a somewhat stealthy way to go about both keeping the closet cool enough when using the MH/HPS lights and keeping the smell to the confines of the bedroom
*would one of those 30 dollar air ionizers work for the smell? if i stick it in the closet or on an end table next to the door? (ill have only two plants in the closet)

*by stealthy i mean not very loud and not so bulky you cant help but see it a mile away

much thanks for any replies


trichlone fiend

New Member
...sounds like a bad situation. I'd run me some extention cords, get a inline fan/carbon filter. Your going to have some noise from the fan, however you can by inline you have a possible exaust from your room?
ah righto then ill get an aircooled hood then; cant do an A/C in the bedroom, canadian winters are cold enough as it is
much thanks dude