Ventilation question


Well-Known Member
So quick dumb question, if heat is not an issue, is it necessary to have active exhaust? Or are passive intake/exhaust ok? Does having passive only adversely affect yield?

Trying to figure out why my plant looks so small so far along, so that I'll have better results next time.

Thank you all for your time and input.
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Well-Known Member
OK, so you have a room/tent with no temp problems. BUT, you also have no airflow. How will your plants breathe? Just food for thought as you figure this out.............


Active Member
If you dot have money for an exhaust fan passive in out takes are ok but you NEED air flow. A house hold table fan, stand alone fan, ect will work.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your input, I did what all grow virgins do, read shit on the web. I thought that ventilation was for heat, clearly I was wrong. So how much of a factor is good ventilation or airflow towards yield? Also which would you say more important to have, active intake or active exhaust? Or are they equal


Well-Known Member
put a plastic bag over your head then breath. then poke a hole in the bag and breath. then poke another hole in the bag opposite the first hole and breath. get the idea? now amagine your plant in the bag with no holes.


Well-Known Member
Noted, I will never again go w/o proper ventilation. Does anyone have any idea what difference there would be in terms of yield? That is, passive intake/exhaust vs active intake/exhaust.


Well-Known Member
As everyone has said, you need airflow. Gotta replace that air for the plants sake, yield will be noticed, but depends on lots of other factors.


Well-Known Member
It's not air flow, it's air exchange. The air in your room should be completely exchanged for fresh air almost constantly. This means fresh air needs to be coming in and old stale air needs to be going out.

Having a million fans in a sealed box isn't going to provide fresh Co2 or o2. This is why sealed rooms MUST supplement with Co2, without it plants would be stunted and eventually die.

That being said, if your growing in a big room you can get away with opening the door at least once a day for 15-20mins and letting fresh air in, however if your in a tent or closet or a room smaller then 100sq. ft. having no air exchange is gonna make for slow growing plants that never reach their potential, and in the case of a tent or closet probably never reach harvest.


Well-Known Member
I just browsed this thread quiclky but is oduor going to be an issue? If it is (and yes I know, happy plants dont smell lol) , IMO you will need to have a slight negative pressure in your room and filter the outgoing air. And yes fresh supply of O2 is nice. Just think of the bag ^^^^^ lol.