Ventilation suggestions please! Check out the sketchs


Well-Known Member
Yo whatsup guys, got another question for some vets. I’ve nearly completed setting up my setup. I have two separate rooms built in my closet. You can see the layout from the first sketch. I’m trying to ventilate both rooms and I’m not sure quite how to do it. I can pull cool air from a bathroom located somewhere else in my house. This is the equipment:

2x Can Fans 256cfm
2x Bathroom fans
1 environmental control: humid, temp, Co2
1 carbon filter

ROOM1: Flowering a SOG under a 1000watt HPS running 12/12 light cycle
ROOM2: Veggin 6 mothers under a 400watt MH running 24 hour light

From the diagram I presented I was thinking of running one of the can fans to cool light the 1000watter. I was thinking of killing two birds with one stone and pulling the hot air from the veg room and running straight through the 1000 watt. I wanted to do this also to keep the room sealed to better control the Co2. I’m not sure how to best utilize the equipment. Peep it out and let me know if you have any questions. Any suggestions would be great!!!!

Ps. I can have fans actually in the flower room, or I could have it in the space between the two rooms. I’m planning on having the ballasts in this area to minimize heat from them.



Well-Known Member
Your flowering intake vent should be lower. You want the fresh air to go through your plants and exhausted out of the room.
I see that your intake is coming in through the ceiling and directly into the reflector, then it's being directed back up through the ceiling.


Well-Known Member
You might have problems cooling that 1000W. The veg clone area should be alright. But a 1000 creates a lot of heat for a closet grow. I suggest running fresh air through the hood, and eliminating a lot of the ductwork.

Static resistance is a bitch, and it's created by extra ducting. The shorter the ducts the less resitance. Keep that in mind.

I'm not sure if 265 CFM will cut it. You should definately run the lights before you put the plants in there to make sure the temperatures are within range, with co2 you should be at 85 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Thanks fellas for the info. I went ahead and ordered some inline duct fans to make this work better. I'll use cool air to keep the 1000watt good. I appreciate it!


Active Member
I have a setup quite similar. I'm using 2 fans for ventilation. One high power wall fan at the base and a toilet fan directly above a 400w son t agro. I find my temp range is consistantly between 21c and 29c.


Active Member
you have a couple options, I put together my vent/filter/heat puzzle just recently.

you can put one fan in each room (cooling each light if you have air cooled reflectors) then suck the air out of the rooms, and run those two separate ducts directly from the fan exhaust into a Y reducer turning it from 2 ducts into 1 exhaust duct, then run that one duct into your filter so all your exhaust and any air that gets exhausted though your fans will get filtered. As far as fresh air is concerned, i would just run a passive intake, run the duct work to your fresh air supply, that way when you run your fans and they suck all the air our of the two rooms, its going to pull air through any intake it can. so why not give it one,

option two is the one you have in your initial sketch, two seperate systems. intake and exhaust. But you need to set up your exhaust to be more efficent otherwhise it will never cool a 1000 watter. Especially if your heat conrtoll is a fart fan. the heat generated from that bulb is gonna need to be moved away from your grow and any other intakes that are going to be coming back to your grow, in the winter you can heat your house with it. lol