Venting air straight into the wall? Think it will work?


Active Member
Im changing the location of my grow room. I have a portable a/c unit, I need to vent the air. I was thinking about venting it straight into the wall. Think it would work? even with all the studs and everything and wouldn't cause any back pressure. It's in my walk in closet my only other option is venting it into my attic. But it seems like its going to slow down my a/c unit pushing the air so high up.


Active Member
Are your walls insulated? If it is an external wall, then there is a good chance it is. If its purely internal, you will likely not encounter insulation material. If it is a straight chute to the attic area (some walls have cross braces perpendicular to the wall studs that will block vertical air flow), and subsequently to the outside through the vents in the attic, then this should work just fine. If it is not, then you will need to provide unobstructed air flow to the attic for the heat to escape or you risk having that heat return to the closet - or your home.

Smell might also be an issue if you are not actively scrubbing the air before it is forced into the wall space. Moisture as well.


Active Member
The wall is a internal wall so no insulation. Not sure what type of studding. If I vent this air into my attic it will mostly cause black mold to right?


Active Member
If your venting ac air DON'T vent into wall the moisture will cause mold to grow.Mold will grow on drywall. In the attic you might be able to get away with it, if there is other attic vents.


Well-Known Member
Your studs are set 16" apart on center with top and bottom joists. Unless you have an unusual house design you would only be venting into the 15" space that is 8' high. I do not recommend this.


Active Member
K well I cut a hole in my wall to see what it looks like behind there. My closet should be a perfect square but there is this a bulge that comes out and is 4 squre feet. I cut a small circle in it and found out one of the main a/c ducting lines runs through it. So if I vent my air into that wall its a straight shot straight to the attic. I think I lucked out. I feel air coming out of the hole. Im not sure if this means I have a a/c link some where or if its just normal airflow. How serious is the mold problem going to be? With plenty of air flow in the wall now and no ristrictions?


Well-Known Member

That depends on where in the country you live (the relative humidity). The amount of airspace into the attic. The size of the attic and amount of ventilation. If air is blowing in then you at least have some ventilation along with possible ducting leaks, negative pressure, etc..


Well-Known Member
as an experienced builder iw ould think that the moisture from the ac would cause problems immediately, you would never move enough air to overcome it

i'm not sure if installing a window shaker IN the house can be done, but i would start by thinking of a duct with a tee, one goes up to remove hot air, and one goes down to drain for moisture

you would of course have to fab a custom flange for the back of the shaker, to 6 inch, or whatever


Undercover Mod
Run it to your attic then vent it out of the exhaust of your plumbing. Make sure that your vent is angled correctly so you do not get any unwanted moisture running down your vent to the grow room.


Well-Known Member
I work construction mainly roofing, and I SERIOUSLY advise you vent into your attic. As stated if you vent into your wall you will cause mold and ruin your house and could risk infecting your family with pneumonia... not advised. A well ventilated attic can cope with the extra moisture/heat no problem. And if you own the house go and install some maximum/venmar vents (they are the best, and pretty cheap to buy) they are the best and will negate any problems. Just do it properly and dont fuck up your house... they are expensive. Also if you could put some vapor barrier around the exit of your exhaust into your attic it would further negate any problems, then you would be good to go, but that is just what I would do; but I only have an apartment at the moment. Good luck and happy growing.


Just remember when you have mold and insects growing in your wall. And need to call a professional exterinator. Tell him not to mind the grow op. Not to meation the fire department if something doesn't work for some reason. Why don't you just cut a vent hole in the ceiling and run ducting and a blower. OR you coulf just tap into one of the house ducts and run house air in there. $50 worth of crap. It's just my opinion good luck.