venting HPS light


Active Member
Someone was telling me the other day that venting my light (HPS 1000 watts) is not a good idea. The point was that pulling cool air over the bulb effects the bulbs output, so has anyone heard of this?? I can't find any info on this subject.

I did notice my girls seam a bit smaller, so to me this requires some looking into, but there are other factors playing out here as well. I'll vent the room directly next time and see how it goes.:dunce:
Someone was telling me the other day that venting my light (HPS 1000 watts) is not a good idea. The point was that pulling cool air over the bulb effects the bulbs output, so has anyone heard of this?? I can't find any info on this subject.

I did notice my girls seam a bit smaller, so to me this requires some looking into, but there are other factors playing out here as well. I'll vent the room directly next time and see how it goes.:dunce:
...most folks like to push air across their lights because pulling air also pulls some stinky air through any cracks in your light fixture and that can create a smelly problem.

peace, bozo

...btw, you can solve all this by going barebulb vertical.
Pulling air is most efficient not pushing.^^^^... its fine i have done it with below freezing without any ill effects except condensation on the ducting....i dont see why it would effect output, it lowers temps but never heard of loss of output...
what your looking for is a cool tube

400w_hpsmh_digital_ballast_air_cool_tube_grow_lights_set8.jpg cool tube reflector maxi bright ballast__47538.jpg

like the one in them light kits, or even better a cool hood:


as a cool hood have a better footprint (spread the light out much better)

here is a pic or a cool tube in use:


and here is mine, I had to make a DIY one to make it fit my old 600W HPS light:


not a beauty (made in it a few lunch breaks at work) but do the job perfectly ..


made my Temps drop from +30C this summer to 27C and now at winter time I have them perfect 24-26C when lights on, so all in all it made my temps drop 4-6C

beside cooling the bulb and putting on a glass sheet between the bulb and plants it also allow you to move the light much closer to the plants, I can now keep it at 12-15" instead of +20"

I did check how much the glass sheet did block my light and according to my light meter it dropped from 8K Lumens a foot away to about 7K Lumens but that little drop is made up many times as your able to keep it much closer, so a win win situation, lower the temps and make you able to provide your plants with much more intense light,

best investemt you can make IMO and best thing I ever build and IMO a must with HID lights, specially with HID lights on 400W or more ..

here you can see how much the distance changes the light output of HPS

View attachment 2457798

on of our big "enemies" in in door growing using artificial lights is light penetration, even with a 1000W you need to be creative to make the most of it ..

and about odour, I have`t notice anything, even tho Im sure my DIY cool hood is`t 100% air proof, but I also smoke indoors so I guess there is some smell ?
but nothing special and nothing my next door neighbor will notice ..
here is a link to a thread that is well worth the read.

Benefits of Vertical Growing

...he's doing some amazing things in his personal grows so be sure and check his other threads, this one is just to help those considering vertical growing as an option.

peace, bozo
I have heard that the hotter the bulb is, the more usable light radiation it emits. Something about the element burning more. I also understand that it shortens the life of your bulb a bit. this is all regurgitated from a major "grow" distributor guy who often goes through lectures from manufacturer/company reps
Thanks to all, I too am being told that the hotter the better. Thanks a mil for the chart Slipon. I'm going to check out the vertical growing. Ones never to old to learn!