Venus 1 - RUI bandwagoners 1, Round 3


Well-Known Member
Oh dear. Wtf is going on here!?
Just like the very kind gesture @Gary Goodson made, I didn't arrange this!! Like I told GG afterwards if he would have asked me first I would have said noooooo! This shit (with the kindest of intentions I'm sure. - hmm or at least hope), is causing me more drama than anything else!
Oh and @neosapien, I told u it was I who had the thread pulled! I'm sorry but I didn't think u'd be fussed about it in all honesty. Shit just got too twisted and messed up.
Like I told c2g in pm, I am not trying to start fires! But I also won't sit back and cop unwarranted abuse (or "punches" seems to be the popular term), without standing up for myself and "swinging back"..
Keeping in mind all u "cool kids" have been associated for a long time (well most anyway) and have each other's back. Strength in numbers right? Unfortunately I've gotten off to an AWFUL start which I'll admit is partly my own doing but certainly not all. I didn't understand what the hell was going on at the beginning, but I clearly understood I was being insulted and for no good reason so I gave just as I got. I don't understand why any of u would expect that I shouldn't?

Anyway.... Im sick of explaining myself. Like me, hate me, your prerogative. This is cyberspace. Ultimately the opinions of virtual strangers has no impact on my reality so I shall leave it at that.
That very last paragraph was bad nobody cares.


Well-Known Member i'm all outta tic tacs

Karah won't shoot me hot nudes of her middle finger...

And Indacouchs tube of mentos is missing in action...

WTF is this thread about?