Venus Fly Trap - Anti pest properties


Active Member
So I was reading about venus fly traps and the conditions needed for their cultivation and sustainance. Its very similar to the environment in which we grow cannabis.

I'm thinking of growing a few venus fly traps to help keep the flies under control.

Plus, I'm looking for an excuse to grow my own carnivorous plant army.


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
that is a good idea i always notice little fruit flys flying around. saw some of these at the nursery and store last time i was there might have to pick some up.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Once they snatch a prey they remained closed for a long time.It would be cool but a sticky trap would be way more effective with less space take up.


Well-Known Member
But resurrecting an army would counter act the time it takes to open. An army of flies against an army of carnivorous plants.


Active Member
Yeah tbh the pest control is more secondary ... now a carnivorous plant army ... that could be useful .... behold "Dave"! The grow room guardian venus.


Pitcher plants would work way better. The flowers are shaped like vase filled with sap that draws insects in where they drown


Well-Known Member
You should make some home made pots to look like a big green pipe from Mario and grow a bunch of carnivorous plants in there.