Venus fly traps to help with gnats

I mean it should work, but there may be some limitations. From what I remember, Venus Fly Traps take a bit to digest their food after the prey enters the "mouth". If that's the case, I don't see them cutting down on a gnat problem unless you have a bunch of them. Idk if that's 100% accurate, so YMMV.
Do you guys think Venus fly traps around the garden would help with gnats lol

I mean obviously there are many alternatives. But realistically would they help?

@HydroKid239 @.Smoke @PadawanWarrior @Doug Dawson @Wizzlebiz @twentyeight.threefive

I doubt it would help much at all. Here is a little article about that very thing. I still think the best tip I have come across for gnats is cover your medium with steel wool. Adults get shredded trying to get to the medium and the young get shredded trying to escape it. It's cheap and since it's not a toxic metal there is no need to worry about a bit of rust. In reality a bit of rust off steel wool will give your medium some added iron.

I doubt it would help much at all. Here is a little article about that very thing. I still think the best tip I have come across for gnats is cover your medium with steel wool. Adults get shredded trying to get to the medium and the young get shredded trying to escape it. It's cheap and since it's not a toxic metal there is no need to worry about a bit of rust. In reality a bit of rust off steel wool will give your medium some added iron.

Bind mlown
I found growing dill weed the past 2 years with my plants outside and have really kept any pests from approaching my girls. Also said to work really well is buying ladybugs and releasing them into your plants. Wont touch your plants but will eat any little pests crawling on them.
I say this all the time, but I like hypoaspis miles mites. They'll actively seek and destroy gnat larvae. I just top dressed with EWC and the hypoaspis took care of my gnats. Haven't seen one in a couple years now.
Killing a couple of gnats yes. But if you see a few gnats, an explosion of them is lurking in your soil already. You’d have to have a Venus fly trap with many heads. They are also finicky to grow. If I where for real considering plants as an option for pests I’d go with the above stated pitcher plant. But for me I’ll just keep using microbe lift when they poke their ugly heads out in my grow area
Pitcher plants i had caught the hell out of gnats. My biggest issue is running out of room for them in the cabinets.
Best thing in my experience is mosquito bits, yellow sticky traps and steel wool combination. Soak mosquito bits in water for a day then water the plants with it then put down steel wool. Knats will be completely eradicated within a couple days.