Good luck man. I remember reading about your previous trial, better luck this time hopefully. I would suggest doing like
@getogrow said and try just a couple totes before investing in something bigger. Figure out a nice bedding mix to keep them happy first and go from there. I've been using leaf/yard waste compost in my bins for the bedding in two new bins and it seems to be working out nicely. Lots of diversity with springtails and sow bugs as well.
Every time I see this thread I'm reminded how little I actually do to maintain the bins. I've been meaning to harvest one bin completely and starting fresh with those worms for a while now as it's long overdue. Something like two years ago since the last time I fully harvested that bin and started with fresh bedding. I didn't have much success with the stacking method so I usually harvest by hand. I figure that way I leave plenty of worms/cocoons in the harvested mix to keep things going. I'll sprinkle some dry oats or amendments on top from time to time in the harvested bin just to keep things a little more active.