Well-Known Member
The weather is clearing out. Soon it will be time. Hope all r ready. I'm missing every one's posts. It's nice to see what my fellow neighbors r up to. We didn't see much action last year.
I ran way too many plants last year. {outdoor from the start} This season I'm trying to keep my numbers down to something manageable. Anyway, the high cost of Mason jars was killing me.Here is an update on things. Farm you suck. Making my own soil again. The whole point of buying fox farm was to not have to feed and fuck with shit until flower. However those greedy bastards have done something to there mix and it sucks. All the work you have to do to prep it might as well build your own. Putting in the outdoor green house plot this weekend.View attachment 3958260 View attachment 3958261here is my next run this one is two trays of 25 and a veg chamber of 22. Between all my plants I've got over a hundred. Way to much work. Think I'll be cutting back the numbers to find a happy medium. Either that or buy four more thousand watt setups and quit my job. I WISH. HAPPY PLANTING.
Well I got half my containers built and filled with dirt. Right around 100 or so gallons per bed. Have three more to build. I'm using my own farmed dirt right out of the forest. I'm also going to do a 25 gallon side by side comparison plain dirt against ffof. We will watch free dirt blow that ff garbage out of the water.
Also fellow posters be aware I do believe I had interaction PM with what I suspect to be a COP. so just be careful. Hopefully I'm just being pnoid but better safe than sorry. I'll throw up some update pics tonight.
Got on going myself outdoors this year.Praying the mould dosent take its toll!View attachment 3964411 24 days into flower. Black dog from hso has buds that are triple the size of the other girls. Hopefully it will be some killer smoke.