Vero 18s, 29s and a cabinet full of stanky goodness


Well-Known Member
It’s been about 5 years since I’ve started an mj grow. I used to use a 250 HPS in a stealth closet grow on the East coast, but after moving to NorCal I decided to start a legal medical grow at our new home and I’m scrapping HPS and going LED. The new grow space is semi-stealth in my garage, with a wall cabinet for a veg space and an office cabinet purchased from a used office furniture shop as the flower cabinet. I’d like to thank Supra, Positivity, and all of the LED COB pioneers for sharing their knowledge and science on RIU for the rest of us to learn. If not for the great info in this RIU forum I’d probably have bought some crappy Chinese blurple light. Here’s my setup:

Veg Cabinet:

Size: 32”wide x 12” deep x 28” tall

Lighting: 2 Vero 18 v2 5000k driven by a Mean Well APC-35-500. Running at 500 mA, the Vero’s run at about 50% efficiency and produce around 4500 lumens in a great veg spectrum. The driver is not the most efficient at 84%, but it does the job. I’ve wired in a 2 pole 2 throw switch to allow me to run 1 or both COBs in the veg chamber. The Vero 18s are mounted on a couple of old AMD CPU heatsinks that that I had lying around from some old computer builds. They are semi-passively cooled – each COB runs at about 14 watts, and the 120mm fan I have running in the chamber moves enough air to keep them very cool to the touch. There are no fans mounted on the heatsinks. I have a 60mm fan running at 5v to pull enough fresh air through the cabinet and keep it cool. I used some 2” black PVC for an air intake at the bottom of the cabinet.

With this setup, I’ll be running about 10 watts/sq foot for veg

Flower Cabinet:
I picked this cabinet up from a used office furniture store – its dimensions are 36” wide x 18” deep x 36” tall. I painted the interior white, and added a couple of 1 ½” black PVC pipes to allow air to flow into the cabinet while remaining light proofed. To improve the light proofing I used some panda film and foil tape on the doors.


Lighting for flowering:
For flowering I’m running 3 - Vero 29 v2 3000k COBs powered by a Meanwell HLG-120H-C1050B driver. The Vero 29 3000k driver produce a lot of red and deep red spectrum light, but they are a bit lacking in the blue spectrum, so I ordered 6 Cree XTE 3 watt Royal Blue LEDs from RapidLED to enhance the spectrum. The 3 COBs and the blue LEDs are all powered by the Meanwell driver with the COBs and LEDs wired in series. The light is dimmable by a 100k ohm pot mounted in the cabinet in a small project box. The LEDs pull about 134 watts at full power, which works out to about 30 watts per sq ft and runs at about 46% efficiency at 1.05 amps. The driver runs at about 92% efficiency.

I’m considering re-wiring the LED wiring through a switch, so that I can shut off the blue LEDs a couple weeks into flower, but I want to try a couple runs with the blues on through til harvest to see what happens. I may add a switch later on.

The COBs and blue LEDs are mounted on a 28” long by 4.85” heatsink from Heatsink USA.

To keep the flower cabinet cool, I have a 92mm AC powered fan mounted to the ceiling of the cabinet blowing air out. It runs at low RPMs and is pretty quiet, but still pushes out a decent air flow. To control air flow, the heat sink has 2” x 34” aluminum strips from Lowes resting in the outer channels of the heat sink. The heat sink is held up by 2 long bolts and presses the 2 aluminum strips up against the ceiling of the cabinet creating an air flow ‘tunnel’ on each end of the heat sink. The air is pulled in from each end of the heat sink, and pulls across the top of the sink and outside the cabinet, so the heat from the heat sink doesn’t get mixed with the air circulating in the cabinet. The aluminum strips also create additional mass/surface area to the heat sink to keep the LEDs cooler, and also block most of the light from escaping the cabinet, making it easier to light proof the exhaust fan.

I think this ventilation setup will work great in cooler weather, but when I tested it in my hot garage in the summer, it got hotter than I’d like. I may need to keep the cabinet doors open a little bit during lights on in the summertime to help keeps temps down.
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The grow:
One of the big issues I have is temp controls, since the grow areas are in a garage without heat or AC. I’m in the California central valley in Sacramento county, and it gets hotter than hell here in the summer. Normally I plan to grow only in the spring and fall when temps are moderate, but since I'm tired of paying dispensaries for meds, I’m going to put these first plants through a heat torture test. The flower cabinet will likely top 100 degrees F in the afternoon during the summer. The seedlings and clones that I currently have in the veg chamber have tolerated the high heat without too much trouble so far. I know these are not ideal conditions, but I consider this more of a test run, and am curious to see how the plants do in the high temps. People in NorCal grow outdoors in conditions that can exceed 100f in the shade, and their plants do OK, so I think I can pull off a micro grow in similar conditions. The heat may affect the yield and maybe the potency of the buds, but I’ll be happy with a few zips of some smokable meds for now. When this run is complete, I plan to do a more legit grow in the cooler weather of Oct and Nov.

The plants:
When I used to grow in a stealth closet grow in my house back on the East coast, I did a lot of experimenting with reversing plant sex via colloidal silver, and produced a bunch of feminized seeds. One of my favorite smokes back then was Mandala’s Satori, and I produced a baggie full of fem’d seeds of Satori. Since Mandala claims Satori is a heat tolerant plant, I figure I’d grow some of these for my summer grow. Even though the seeds are 5 years old, I’ve kept them in the fridge with some rice to absorb moisture, and I was pleasantly surprised when 5 of the 6 seeds I planted popped up from the soil looking healthy and happy. The 6th seed actually popped too, and pushed out a small tap root, but that’s as far as it got, and then it died.

I also picked up a few clones from local dispensaries, including Sour Diesel, Fire OG, and Blue Dream. I plan to flower the Fire OG cut and a Sour Diesel cut with 1 of the Satori seedlings for the summer grow.
Plant pics from about a week ago:
Satori seedlings on the left - 2 Sour Diesel, 1 Blue Dream and 1 Fire OG cuts on the right. I also took a cutting of the Fire OG to keep as a potential mom if I like the smoke.

Soil & Ferts:
This will be an organic grow, using the same amendments and dry organic fertilizers that I’ve used for the last decade in my organic vegetable gardens. The soil is a mix I threw together using a coir/perlite mix as the base, and added in a bunch of garden compost from my compost bin, along with dry organic ferts and a bit of dolomite lime for Mg, Ca and to balance the ph. I’ve been ‘cooking’ this mix in a large bin outside for about 2 months, and even added a few worms from my garden to the bin to improve the soil with their castings. After each grow I plan to mix in some additional compost and some fertilizers to the soil, and re-use it for the next grow.

Current status:
Here's the current status of the plants. I've got 1 Satori, 1 Sour Diesel, and 1 Fire OG in 3 gal smart pots in the flower chamber. They were potted up a few days ago, and I plan to give them a couple more days veg before flipping to 12/12. Temps have been abnormally cool lately so I've had the light running at 100%, but may dim it a bit when the hot weather returns to control heat. Height is an issue in my cabinet, and since these are all 10-12 week strains that will stretch (2 of them are sativa dominate), I can't veg too long or I'll have problems later on.
This will be a grow journal, but I probably won't update too often until a few weeks into flowering since there's not much to see right now.
Here's a few more pics
Blue Dream, Sour D and Satori that will be mother plants, along with the Fire OG cutting that will also be a mother plant.
Tomatoes, basil and pepper plants in the organic veg garden
My cantaloupe vines that have run amok and are threatening to overrun the neighborhood. Several of the melons should be ready to eat soon though - can't wait for that.
Thanks guys for the positive feedback. :razz: About 3 months ago I didn't know a COB from a hole in the ground - I did some google searching on LEDs thinking blurple was still the way to go, and then stumbled my way in this forum where guys like Supra are taking things to the next level. Very cool stuff going on here - hopefully the BS dies down and we can continue pressing forwards with all the new tech that is coming out. Hell, I think my light is already outdated and i just finished it a month ago, lol.
I hope to flip the switch to 12/12 on the flower cabinet tomorrow, so I'll post an update just so I'll have something to reference later (and to remind my dumbass what date i started flowering).
Flowering Day 1
Set the timer to 12/12 last night, so today is the official start to this flowering run. The Sour D on the left is the smallest of the plants, but it's supposed to continue growing and stretching 4 weeks into flower, so I'm hoping she'll finish around 2' tall. Satori is the brute in the middle - the stems on the other plants are dainty and flexible, but the Satori is fighting her bondage hard with her stems of steel. Fire OG on the right- I've nearly had to take a weed whacker to this plant to keep her held back until the other plants catch up. She's raring to go.

I've dimmed the light so the leds are drawing about 100 watts (135 is max power) to help keep temps manageable, since outside (and garage) temps are supposed to be around 100f the next few days. The plants are about 9-10" from the Vero 29s though, so they still get plenty of light even when dimmed.

Awesome set up man, gonna be making a similar cabinet too, but in a plastic storage cabinet and with 4 vero 29s same driver but 700mA. Stoked to get it going, you should really join the 16oz party cup competition, I'll be growing mine in my cabinet, it's a lot of fun and it amazing how much you can grow in just a 16oz cup. Again props on the set up and stoked to see how your grow goes.
Awesome set up man, gonna be making a similar cabinet too, but in a plastic storage cabinet and with 4 vero 29s same driver but 700mA. Stoked to get it going, you should really join the 16oz party cup competition, I'll be growing mine in my cabinet, it's a lot of fun and it amazing how much you can grow in just a 16oz cup. Again props on the set up and stoked to see how your grow goes.

Thanks nvhak49, I saw your post about your cabinet build in another thread, and i think we will have similar setups. Your's will be a bit more efficient than mine since you'll have 4 veros running softer - I think you'll really be happy with them. I've dimmed mine about 25% due to the hot weather and the plants still get more than enough light. What kelvin temp Vero's are you going with? The 3000k Vero 29 v2 cobs have loads of red but not much blue, so I added the blue leds and I think the end result is I have a 4000k light now with a little extra deep red.

I did throw my hat in the ring for the party cup competition. I've got loads of seeds left over from some pollen chucking adventures when I grew 5 years ago, so I just need to pick up some 16oz cups. I have 2 size cups in my garage, and of course 1 is 9oz and the other is 18oz. :wall:
Looks outstanding, ya the led guys here sold and taught me about the cxa cobs also, your build is sweet for sure, watching this one,

Thanks, loads of great information in this forum - hopefully the knowledge sharing will continue. It's fun to be growing mj again too. I grow loads of vegetables, flowers, and fruit trees all around my yard, but mj is still my favorite plant to grow. It's such a unique plant with the way it flowers, and the symmetry of it's growth appeases my ocd, lol.
Thanks nvhak49, I saw your post about your cabinet build in another thread, and i think we will have similar setups. Your's will be a bit more efficient than mine since you'll have 4 veros running softer - I think you'll really be happy with them. I've dimmed mine about 25% due to the hot weather and the plants still get more than enough light. What kelvin temp Vero's are you going with? The 3000k Vero 29 v2 cobs have loads of red but not much blue, so I added the blue leds and I think the end result is I have a 4000k light now with a little extra deep red.

I did throw my hat in the ring for the party cup competition. I've got loads of seeds left over from some pollen chucking adventures when I grew 5 years ago, so I just need to pick up some 16oz cups. I have 2 size cups in my garage, and of course 1 is 9oz and the other is 18oz. :wall:
Yeah I'm pretty stoked on getting this made. I just ordered 4 vero 29 V2 4000k from kingbrite, I want to be able to veg and flower with them, I've been reading that the 3500 is the better to flower with at least with the cree cobs anyway but the vero isn't much different spectrum wise. But the 4000k will give me the best of both worlds. Yeah it helps to have it dimmable mine will be dimmable too, I hope it doesn't get to hot in the cabinet, I'll have 140mm cpu fans one on the side on the bottom and one directly on top of it than one of course on my heat sink and small fan inside to keep the plants cool, keeping my fingers crossed it won't get to hot in there. Oh nice glad you decided to join in on the party cup comp it's a lot of fun. I'm trying to get my set up made before it starts. Oh dang for some reason no days the 16oz are harder to find, but I found some at Walmart for a 1$ a cup in the party section they're kids super hero cups and 16oz they're a thicker plastic which is nice. Have a good weekend. :bigjoint:
Yeah I'm pretty stoked on getting this made. I just ordered 4 vero 29 V2 4000k from kingbrite, I want to be able to veg and flower with them, I've been reading that the 3500 is the better to flower with at least with the cree cobs anyway but the vero isn't much different spectrum wise. But the 4000k will give me the best of both worlds. Yeah it helps to have it dimmable mine will be dimmable too, I hope it doesn't get to hot in the cabinet, I'll have 140mm cpu fans one on the side on the bottom and one directly on top of it than one of course on my heat sink and small fan inside to keep the plants cool, keeping my fingers crossed it won't get to hot in there. Oh nice glad you decided to join in on the party cup comp it's a lot of fun. I'm trying to get my set up made before it starts. Oh dang for some reason no days the 16oz are harder to find, but I found some at Walmart for a 1$ a cup in the party section they're kids super hero cups and 16oz they're a thicker plastic which is nice. Have a good weekend. :bigjoint:

I think the 4000k is a good choice - just looking at the spectrum chart it's the most balanced of the Veros. From what I've read the 3000k V29s v2s have quite a bit less blue than the Cree 3000k and prolly should be supplemented with some extra blue, but the 4000k should be really good all around choice. I don't know much about the 3500k. If you look at my avatar pic, the light in my flower cabinet is really reddish orange - this was taken before adding the blue leds. The light looks similar to HPS, but I wanted something more balanced, and after adding the blue leds the light looks more natural white now.

Originally I had planned to have all 5 Veros mounted on the heat sink - I was going to run the 5k along with the dimmed 3k for veg, and keep the 5k on until the second week of flower where I'd shut down the 5k and crank up the 3k. But then I decided I wanted a separate veg space to keep some mother plants, so I moved the 5k cobs onto the CPU heatsinks like I have it now.
Post some pics when you finish your build, it's always cool to check out other people's creations.
Start of Week 2 of flowering update:

COB LED work very well – plants each grow 2 new leaves in 1 week!! ! !

ACTION NOW! !! ! ! Lol

On the left, the Satori is filling in nicely, but since she was grown from seed and not a very mature plant, she’s taking a bit longer to show signs of flowering. I’ve trained her into 4 main branches, so when she does stretch out and flower I hope to end up with 4 fat colas.

On the right is the Fire OG, and she’s already stretching like a mofo and has begun to show off her lady parts to everyone she can. She’s the slut of the group, lol.

In the middle is the Sour Diesel. As with many middle children, she has been a bit of a problem child. She was slow to develop as a clone, and I ran into a few cal/mag issues that were compounded by me keeping the soil too wet, but I think I have her back on track and hopefully she can take off and catch up with the other kids soon.

I’d like to request a moment of silence for the Fire OG clone that I was trying to root to become a mother plant. Due to a series of dumb moves by me, the clone now sleeps with the fishes. I’ll have to try to grab one of the lower side branches off my flowering plant to start a new clone.

On a positive note, I was able to score a clone of Gorilla Glue #4 from Dr’s Orders in Sacramento today, along with a gram of the finished flower to sample. I think when this run is completed I’m going to do a Sour Diesel and GG4 run, and reverse a SD and GG4 clone with colloidal silver and try to make some fem’d SD and GG4 seeds, along with some crosses to Satori, Fire OG and Blue Dream. It will be a bit of work to pull it off, but I love the idea of having fem’d seeds of some top shelf genetics to have on hand for future grows.
Loving the update haha. Plants are looking good dude,hopefully the middle child catches up sorry for your lost on your clone for a mother. How did you like the GG#4 I've heard nothing but good things about that strain I wish I could get a cutting of it but it would be pretty hard up here in Alaska right now unless I come accross someone that has one. What's your favorite strain out of the ones your growing right now, trying to find one more good strain. I'm getting my cobs today or tomorrow and my fans tomorrow so I'll start working on my cab this weekend. Keep on the good growing:bigjoint::clap:
Super good job! Looks like you have it nailed down and zeroed in nicely there. It is a good year for outdoor gardens, everything is early up here in the Evergreen state( got a few brown spots now though). I love it.
Loving the update haha. Plants are looking good dude,hopefully the middle child catches up sorry for your lost on your clone for a mother. How did you like the GG#4 I've heard nothing but good things about that strain I wish I could get a cutting of it but it would be pretty hard up here in Alaska right now unless I come accross someone that has one. What's your favorite strain out of the ones your growing right now, trying to find one more good strain. I'm getting my cobs today or tomorrow and my fans tomorrow so I'll start working on my cab this weekend. Keep on the good growing:bigjoint::clap:

I sampled the GG4 last night, and it really lived up to the hype for me. Just before bed I took three solid hits of the GG4 from a bowl, and within a minute or two later I was standing there with a shit-eating grin on my face while the high spread through the rest of my body. I got some strange looks from the wife, lol. It was a very euphoric, relaxing high - after getting in bed I just laid there letting my mind wander, and felt like i was melting into the mattress. I zonked out shortly thereafter and woke up feeling pretty good today.
When I first started growing mj, I thought that indicas were for me and grew a few varieties of them. It wasn't until I grew Satori that I realized how much more I liked the sativa leaning varieties. I don't like the racy, trippy high you get with pure sativas, and most of the indicas I've tried have a brain scrambling quality I don't like either. Since getting my medical mj card in CA a couple months ago I've sampled probably a dozen or more grams of different strains to find a clear headed, euphoric, relaxing high that works for me. The strains I've liked best are Sour Diesel and Blue Dream, both of which remind me of the Satori that I grew a few years ago. I think the GG4 just jumped to the top of the list though - it has the same dreamy characteristics of Satori, SD and BD, but takes the intensity to a new level. I really can't wait to add a jar of GG4 to my stash - hopefully the clone I bought is legit and matches the sample gram that I bought.The Fire OG I'm growing is the most indica leaning plant I have (it's still a 50/50 hybrid), and will be consumed when I want a change of pace from my usually sativa leaning strains.
Good luck on the COB led build!
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Oh nice I love that type of high too. I've been wanting to try blue dream, Girl Scout cookies and gg4, I'll probably order some Girl Scout cookies seeds and blue dream soon, not sure how I'll get gg4 but I'll ask around and see if anyone has any cuttings of it. Is your led driver on top of your cab? I'm thinking of putting mine on top to give me some more head room if I need it, and help keep the temps down since It'll be inside in my closet. What temps are you running?