Vero 29 1100ma ScrOG distance to canopy / tops?


Ok, never tried screen of green and have question. 100% landrace Ind strain. Never done a pure I, NL is closest. Never tried LED's... haven't grown anything this century with exception of salad greens and basil.
40cm between top of grow bags and screen (thought they were autoflower, but a typo - should have known a pure I would not be auto). 7 plants in 2 liter bags of rocks, flood / drain hydro w/ CO2. 13.5 hour days - using far red LED's for 6 minutes at dusk (7 at 700ma).
Vero 29 (4), 1100ma in a cabinet 970cm x 600cm. If tops are tied down to "chicken wire", at 40cm under the lights, and growing up towards the light... how is this distance for optimum light and concerns with bleaching / burning the tops? Plants have been tied down as much as possible, no more room on screen. Tops 10 cm above screen, 30cm below light. room to move light up by maybe 15cm, but it would be best not to due to cabinet shape. Nothing below the chicken wire would get any light. Should leaves be removed which would be pressing against the bottom of the screen in a dense mat? Other leaves below screen removed, but those pressing right up against it? Seems a trade between photosynthesis and allowing any flowers room to grow which may be just under / mixed with mat of leaf.
Humidity under canopy 79%, temp 23c. On top of canopy, (about 7cm from chicken wire) temp 28c.
3 weeks to go including flush unless they look like they are going to finish with a lame yield.

Many words. How close, canopy and tops - Vero 29 1100ma? No lenses, no diffuser (might be handy if there is something I can make in a hurry)
Many thanks. Have questions about other aspects, insight which may help other growers should be shared.