Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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I had not heard of this, if they have invented smart chips for injection then i am totally against them, and agree with you.
Not only invented, but already conducted pilot tests. These microchips are injected into a vein, and these microchips emit certain impulses that kill cancer cells. Something like this.)) Bro, I am not very well versed in this, to explain it to you, also in English.)) But you understood the point: electronic vaccine.

Also in the development of electronic personal identifiers, which will replace the passport, are also transplanted into the body, equipped with GPS.

This is total control. Watched the movie "Running Man"? Soon you will have the same collar.))) If you read the news a lot.)))

Are you trying to get me to defend the indefensible?
No, I suggest you think objectively, just!

"we want to make sure no one ever attacks US first, show them the consequences"
An interesting conclusion.

To kill women and children in order to intimidate someone there!

Bro, now you justify what you wanted not to justify.)))

(do you know of this attack?).
I believe that this is a rhetorical question.)))

Yes, I agree, from the point of view of the rules of warfare, it was an ignoble act by the Japanese. Yes, we were in a similar situation when Hitler attacked the USSR without declaring war, all of a sudden, only the Germans flew immediately to bomb Kiev. You are more fortunate.

Well, what a thing.)))

children with what?

This monument has been standing in Berlin since 1945. The power has already changed, but he still stands and stands ....


You know what this monument is called: Monument to the Russian Warrior-Liberator.

Put a similar monument in Tokyo in 1945, only an American soldier ......

No war can be justified
War is Darwin’s theory embodied in the human form. Thus, natural selection occurs. The strongest survives. This applies to any natural disasters, as well as viruses and other things.

If there were no warrior and other things, then the Earth would have been overpopulated for a long time ...

Sounds utopian, doesn't it, bro? But this is the bitter truth of our life.
About America, do i think she's perfect?
There is nothing perfect under the sun and everything was once before ...

Everything is much simpler, my friend, the USA is an empire, and the president of the USA is an emperor. From time immemorial, not once in history, not a single empire has led a peace-loving policy, therefore it is also an Empire. Empires have always oppressed other, smaller and weaker peoples, and have also enslaved them. Now it’s not the Middle Ages anymore, that’s why the policy of the empire has changed a bit, it has acquired sophistication and is veiled by good intentions.

Cannabis question: i read a lot and have been looking into the science behind the soil food web. Do you use beneficial bacteria? I will not be able to spell them but there are about 5 main types of bacteria the science seems to say make up a food chain with the root systems and makes totally organic growing possible, easier and maybe better overall than hydroponic/inorganic. What do you think? Do you use beneficial plants with your grow? White clover they say it's good.
I am currently advising a guy from America, he uses the Korean system. Everything is based on enzymes. Very interesting technique. We are thinking of writing an article about this, and also voicing everything in the video briefly.

Yes, in Russia also very many people use pure organic matter for plant nutrition. The result is less, but the quality of the product is much better.

I don't like hydroponics as a product.

I did not quite understand about clover, Bro.
Knf is something I have been reading up on for a while now -fascinating method and I believe if done correctly the yields are on par With many other methods clover is a great cover crop for fixing nitrogen
you understood the point: electronic vaccine.
Yes i understand these. There was one in America before called Digital Angel, they wanted to inject children, check for defects and whatnot. Already approved for animals. People heard about it though so we stopped that one in time.

think objectively,
Brother Sedan, I strive daily to do so! This was my American humor, the joke started here and the punch line was in the next response when i answered for you with 'you are!'

Bro, now you justify what you wanted not to justify.)))
you asked why we dropped the bomb, to be intellectually honest i tried to answer you, not to justify, I said there is no justification. I can imagine in my mind what the warmongers thought or said to make Truman drop it, without having those thoughts myself. I don't follow formal debate rules, but please don't assign the wrong motives to me ;) i love peace my friend and wisdom.

War is Darwin’s theory embodied in the human form.
Darwin was correct in that he stated if there is irreducible complexity then his theory falls apart. IMO war is the result of the depraved nature of man.

acquired sophistication and is veiled by good intentions.
Brother Sedan, I'm about as unsophisticated as it gets! One day i would love to meet you my friend! Anyone in any country that seeks power has ulterior motives. Yes, America must pay the role of the world power right now, but she's not eternal just like those other empires. The big difference now and when America started was that most if not all Americans understood freedom and it's costs. Very soon after America got started the very richest families in the world were established here and the began manipulating things. Now in our politics and law a corporation is considered to have rights similar to a person. Did you know that? It's worse than you thought, right?

Korean Natural Farming, yep that was the rage (still is some) I'm looking into DEM pure and some others, Dr Elaine, Scott somebody...all about only adding beneficial even if you get pests treat them with foliar foods. Organic soils but hydroponic is ok too with Scott.

I'll read more and we'll see.

Peace and safety to all!
Living soil blows my mind I’m in living soil at the moment I’m hoping in the future as my knowledge increases I can get to the point that I only give plants water there haven to have teas and top dressing with coots this run as think my soil is lacking in certain elements but I’m really enjoying surfing this learning curve ☮️
Yes i understand these. There was one in America before called Digital Angel, they wanted to inject children, check for defects and whatnot. Already approved for animals. People heard about it though so we stopped that one in time.
That's why I don’t need any vaccine in the system program .. on drive C. Kaspersky is enough for me.))))

Microsoft flu vaccine - it sounds post-apocaleptic somehow. )))))

the punch line was in the next response when i answered for you with 'you are!'
Bro, I didn’t understand your joke.))

I can imagine in my mind what the warmongers thought or said to make Truman drop it
Maybe the military kidnapped him and blackmailed him.)))

No, I see no excuse for this act, even if it was persuaded. Yes, this is a big political game. These victims were in order to intimidate the Russians! There was no one else to scare at that time, everyone was intimidated by Hitler without it. The only real force that could resist the United States was Russia at that time. The Russian army at that moment was at the highest level. At that time, nothing would stop Russia if it wanted to take over the rest of Europe. This is precisely what the USA feared. That is why the bomb was dropped. Do not look for more answers, my friend, you will not find them! This is the true reason!

the depraved nature of man.

)) in my opinion this is not a vicious nature, it is a common animal instinct. Darwin called it Atavism. This is when a person's instincts begin to prevail over the mind. People gradually begin to turn back into animals. Their habits become more predatory.

Very soon after America got started the very richest families in the world
I do not agree with you a little in this aspect. We will be more clearly consistent in historical chronology.

1. The rich families appeared much earlier, from the Europe to America the treasures of the Templars, which were obtained by the ruin of Jerusalem by the Crusaders, were taken out. This is exactly the money that started the United States in 1776, and at the expense of these funds Independence was obtained.

2. There was also another way to get rich then very quickly - this is gold, the exploitation of the African people and the looting and humiliation of the Indians.

So, at the expense of these two points, these “Richest Families of the World” appeared, which, in essence, now rule the world.

Bro, I give only historical facts, this is not a lie !!! If you don’t believe me, then watch the movie “Treasures of the Nation” with Nicolos Cage. Nobody even hides it there!

Living soil blows my mind I’m in living soil at the moment I’m hoping in the future as my knowledge increases I can get to the point that I only give plants water there haven to have teas and top dressing with coots this run as think my soil is lacking in certain elements but I’m really enjoying surfing this learning curve

All people who smoke for a long time and a lot, over the years, come to the soil and organic amenities .. it's like wisdom!
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you asked why we dropped the bomb
After the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the expected effect occurred ..... I’m talking about Stalin’s killings now ... Stalin called Lavrenty Beria (this was Stalin’s executioner.) And ordered him to do the same bomb for the year! Stalin’s order was not discussed! If Beria hadn’t made this bomb in a year. he would last a head.

Further: Beria called all the leading scientists in the field of nuclear physics and told them: if you don’t do it in a year, you will rot in prison at best!

What do you think? The bomb was ready on time! It was an answer to Truman on his threat .. Next was Korea, Vietnam ... Fake flight to the moon .. etc.

PS By fateful accident, this bomb was made in my city .. five kilometers from where I live now .. Therefore, I know many details of what you do not know.))))
Do you use beneficial plants with your grow?
Yes I do but just for fun, I think the usage of Leguminose is more of a field/outdoor thingy for farmers...

After the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the expected effect occurred ..... I’m talking about Stalin’s killings now ... Stalin called Lavrenty Beria (this was Stalin’s executioner.) And ordered him to do the same bomb for the year! Stalin’s order was not discussed! If Beria hadn’t made this bomb in a year. he would last a head.

Further: Beria called all the leading scientists in the field of nuclear physics and told them: if you don’t do it in a year, you will rot in prison at best!

What do you think? The bomb was ready on time! It was an answer to Truman on his threat .. Next was Korea, Vietnam ... Fake flight to the moon .. etc.

PS By fateful accident, this bomb was made in my city .. five kilometers from where I live now .. Therefore, I know many details of what you do not know.))))
Many politicans are empathyless psychopaths and wreckless powermongers - they may have thought they did something great. It's downright crazy when one thinks about the damage donw to civilians in advance, what about the human rights?

So they dropped two bombs - and these had a fundemantal different design in the way which the critical mass was achieved. So basically Hiero/Nag was an experiment to see which is the better one. At least, that is one of the motives which can be deduced from such a behaviour.
Brother Sedan, I've suffered a loss, my grandmother died. I pray she rests in heaven. It was not Covid but age.

Bro, I didn’t understand your joke.))
My humor is very dry, even in my family very few appreciate my jokes.

This is the true reason!
Did you watch the movie with Matt Damon i suggested? The Good Shepherd. It is the story of the OSS becoming the modern spy org. It is a movie and totally made up, but you see the battle switches to US/Russia before WWII ends.

Nicolos Cage.
The great American historian! You would not like most of his movies, he kills like Stallone most of the time. Fine, evil rich people have been stealing and lying since the invention of money, and many rich families came over. Many of those rich families paid heavy prices during the American Civil War. I have said repeatedly that i can't defend everything about my country, but what do you keep telling me? She's more corrupt than Rome? It is not my nationality that will determine my destiny, brother.

I can’t live like that, and it doesn’t depend on me! That is my fate, Bro! Live my whole life in a fight!
I regret that deeply brother Sedan, for what it is worth you and your family are in my prayers. I have known some sorrow though, my wife died 5 years ago.

Fake flight to the moon
It baffles me that so many people believe this. Some people still believe the Earth is flat though...they made a prime show maybe 2 years ago.

The details known were the fears, but the reality is different. I don't care about bombs...I've seen a lot of moves about the bombs ;)

I think the truth is more in the middle. Like i said, yes we were already thinking of fighting USSR. We have killed, we dropped the bomb. We do not have the moral high ground. I do not personally have any moral high ground, either. But here we are. Should we now lay down? Maybe you like the way China runs stuff? Or let Putin take as much power as Stalin had?

I am not joking that i just worried about you being able to answer that honestly, in your country, without fear. In my country, no matter what you said, i would not worry. That to me is better, but this topic you have avoided to focus on our failures.

such a behaviour.
It may have been simpler my friend, someone may have said 'well we don't want to waste it, we spent all that money...'

No one thought to test, all that came later in the remote Pacific.

On the Cannabis front, it is interesting that many American cannabis companies are failing. Some of it is pandemic related, but a lot of them were just greedy backyards trying to cash out out. None of those worry about quality. The magazine high times is buying a retail company.
You use bacteria though? Some people are using them in full hydro, where crop integration is impossible.
yes its a soil thingy. The N-fixating bacterias need around 2-3 months to be settled in the rhizosphere and then work for the plant.

well there are many different hydro-systems - even organic ones ("bioponics") but I guess its not the same micro environment than soil...
Many politicans are empathyless psychopaths and wreckless powermongers - they may have thought they did something great. It's downright crazy when one thinks about the damage donw to civilians in advance, what about the human rights?
the thirst for profit turns a man into a beast.

Brother Sedan, I've suffered a loss, my grandmother died. I pray she rests in heaven. It was not Covid but age.
I bring you my condolences, Bro!

what can I say ... life is so structured and it is very short .... My father is now 80, my mother died a long time ago ... from cancer ... I think that Chernobyl worked. There was a time when cancer became very acute in Ukraine, and now it continues ... But no one talked about it and certainly does not say ... Corona virus is more relevant ....

The great American historian! You would not like most of his movies, he kills like Stallone most of the time.
Cage is not so aggressive.))) He has more diverse films .. As an actor, he wouldn’t be so, if not for his uncle Coppola, he would not have been so famous.

Bro, all of Hollywood production in recent times is a fetid cesspool ... Yes, not only Hollywood, in Europe, too, cinema has turned into perverted fantasies of authors sitting on cocaine. Drugs had a very negative impact on the cinema, then it will be even sadder ...

Should we now lay down? Maybe you like the way China runs stuff? Or let Putin take as much power as Stalin had?
Yes, I like how China is developing. I just feel sorry for America, it has already gone too far to change something ... And it’s not just the United States, it’s the whole world, which is equal to the United States and imitates the United States in all aspects of life ... Most of course, of course your ability to do business. Nobody like the USA knows how to make money. Money is a cult in the USA. As it was written on the belt buckles of Wehrmacht soldiers, so on dollar bills: We believe in God. And what is God for Americans? Yes, my Friend is the dead presidents.)))

There is nothing perfect under the sun, bro, except the creations of the hands of the Lord.

No, Stalin was no better, only during the reign of Stalin. people, no matter how hard they lived, were more like people than now. This is an unfortunate fact. I watched with my own eyes, as with the collapse of the USSR, people gradually began to turn into greedy animals. I would not write so confidently about atavism, if I had not seen it all with my own eyes, this is similar to the effect of OSRAM diodes, until you see, you will not believe.)))

Recently watched a Hollywood movie. This is why I lost my entire business from 2008 to 2012 and became a bankrupt. But I will say more that I not only lost, I was afraid for my life then. Because we have bank debts to bandits. They took me to the forest in the trunk of the car, gave me a shovel so that I would dig my own grave .. So they wanted to force me to pay the debt by any means. I had to hide the house. Because when I went out, creditors attacked me ... It was time ... very similar to hell .. I don’t know how I managed to stay alive then ....

Then there was a war, now a fucking virus ... What is happening, answer me please ?!

Who were the ones who did all this ?! It is clear that everything is distorted in the film, but the essence remains .. I understood this before !!!

Now I'm waiting for the film about fucking Maidan))) Next, about the virus)))) Give me a little time.))))
but the essence remains
I’m talking about what is distorted, because that pseudo genius that it was all predicted is invented!

I have a friend, he is a candidate of economic sciences, he is 10 years older than me. Once back in 2005, we had a conversation with him. At that time, he worked as a financial analyst for a large company. He is not a genius.))) But then he clearly told me about the mortgage bubble, and also said that in the coming years there will be a big economic crisis and a collapse of the banking system. He also told me that my construction business would go bankrupt soon. Because the crisis will affect construction in the first place. I looked at him with great surprise. I thought he specifically wanted to piss me off because he was jealous of me. I held so tight then in the saddle .. it seemed to me that I was omnipotent and could solve any problem. Then I didn’t have to make an effort to make money, the money itself poured onto my head. I had so much cash that I drove it in the trunk of my car sometimes, when customers were paying me.

Then what my friend told me happened. Our peak fell in 2008. I fought for 4 years - these were the most hellish years in my life, because all my efforts were in vain. I tried to keep the business and got into even bigger debts. After that, I lost everything, I still had to ... Then I spent a year at home in the deepest depression .. Thoughts of suicide visited me every day. Then only my wife remained with me, if not for her, then I would not be alive now.

Then I started doing M&A in the company of my wife’s brother. He then owned a commercial real estate agency. I worked for a year .. Maidan came, a crisis came in Ukraine, a relative ran away to Moscow, leaving me with nothing.

Now, after many years of efforts, I began to build my new business. I finally started to get ... Fucking virus !!! Yes, you have already fucked the gentlemen, the masses !!!

I know for sure that on this virus someone gets billions nailed, while ordinary people suffer. This is a calculated scheme, the same as that mortgage bubble. Which was inevitable as well, but someone calculated it and turned people's grief into their profit.
I bring you my condolences, Bro!
Thank you brother Sedan! It is a really weird time, only 10 people could be at the service. Many grandfather is taking it hard. I have been out of town and must be out of touch a bit. Stay safe!

Someone later i will talk about the 2008 recession, not much time to think right now.

Yes, I like how China is developing
I don't. The monitor everything, give the people a 'social score', tell them how to think, how to act, how to defecate, prohibit access to open thought. This is only slightly less repressive than North Korea. And yes they have a lot of advantages, but individuality that provokes leaps in the forward motion in the species is not one of them. As Dave Chappell said, everybody in America is racist and everybody in China is Chinese ;)

There is nothing perfect under the sun, bro, except the creations of the hands of the Lord.
Amen brother. Remember He said be perfect, like Him...His creation was only good.

You kill me with this! Is that a COB? That profile maybe Osram is good, but Cree have been the best for years there. I do not argue that Osram or even Mars for that matter will grow dank weed, they both can if the growers are good. Most growers that are buying in the market today get taken by false advertising and misunderstandings, and will pay much more for things that they don't need. If for example, someone can't take the multiple months require to grow that 37W plant above, which light should they get? In any case i think people should get the most efficient light possible, with enough wattage available to scale down to the needed PPFD. Right now, Samsung does that best, and Cree reds.

By the way, Fluence Spider 2s are good, and use Osram, but at the $1600 price point, a Samsung strip fixture makes much more sense financially. Even a specialty DIY kit like PLC, or ChilLED, make more sense to me. Maybe I'm crazy.

very similar to hell .
Yes. I was CTO off a software company at this time. The CEO cheated me, and called the police, very messy. I started a company that failed then also. My creditors just took everything, not my life (another good thing about America, I mean we do have corruption, and bad guys, but most don't accept it).

I'm sorry you suffer through this brother.

Then only my wife remained with me,
I said before I recognized how special she was, a gift to you from God. Remember brother, He is there too. if you ever feel depressed, brother Sedan, and I can help you, please let me.

Mergers and acquisitions? I have worked at this.

ordinary people suffer
Always true, in this life we will have trouble.

I do appreciate you brother Sedan, stay strong!
I don't. The monitor everything, give the people a 'social score', tell them how to think, how to act, how to defecate, prohibit access to open thought. This is only slightly less repressive than North Korea. And yes they have a lot of advantages, but individuality that provokes leaps in the forward motion in the species is not one of them. As Dave Chappell said, everybody in America is racist and everybody in China is Chinese
I have already said my point of view on this issue: You can’t give a person complete freedom, you can’t allow a person to do what he wants to do. Most human thoughts and intentions are immoral. Freedom reveals the dark side of man in the first place. Every man at heart wants to be James Bond or, at worst, John Rambo. This is when you do whatever you want, and you get away with it, because you have a license to kill. And whether you are right or not is not important anymore. As for the secret desires of women at the present time, I will not say anything better.

One of my favorite authors in childhood was Ian Fleming, I read all of his works. I wanted to imitate him, to be like him. And what morality do these books carry? What thoughts do people think these books after reading?

What benefit do freedoms bring to a person, besides fulfilling their dark desires?

or even Mars
What does Mars mean?

Mars Hydro uses Epistar in its lamps - this is the lamp that I have now.

That lamp Mars that they gave to my student is OSRAM and Kre.

I will repeat again, bro! Not a single diode produces such a red spectrum as OSRAM. No matter how many PPF there are. The effectiveness of OSRAM is the highest of all the diodes that currently exist. Even Mars hydro recognized this .. I had a palemic with them on this subject. I’m not only arguing with you about this.)))

Yes, you are not the only one who prefers lower quality cheaper .. But I prefer Maybach rather than Toyota. When you ride Toyota, it seems to you that there is no better car .. But after you change to Maybach, Toyota seems to you a tin can.)))

Mergers and acquisitions? I have worked at this.
Yes, I helped sell to a relative Business Centers, Shopping Centers, Hotels, Supermarket chains, pharmacies .. etc.

Do you think how do I know who the Tverskaya street in Moscow preludes?)))

I sold the Hyatt hotel in Kiev, it cost $ 30 million. I personally communicated by e-mail with the owner of Hyatt at that time Knut Hansen.

But for the most part, my relative’s business is a common scam. Legal scam.))) Money from the air.)))

I will not tell you the scheme, but my relative, do not invest practically anything, became a millionaire. Now he is a millionaire. But all his words, and he himself, also became ... liars and hypocrites. When I came to that business, I thought it was a serious matter, but it turned out to be a soap bubble. I was shocked!!!! I worked for a year ... I talked with the richest people in my country and not only, I recognized their thoughts and intentions ... damn ... Bro, I don’t believe a single word of them !!!! Nobody will convince me of this!

I said before I recognized how special she was, a gift to you from God. Remember brother, He is there too. if you ever feel depressed, brother Sedan, and I can help you, please let me.
Thank you for your kind words, Bro!

But it’s too late for me to change something, I myself chose this path, no one asked me about it. I could be an ordinary person now and I would not have so many problems. Also, extraordinary thinking does not allow me to find peace, because in life I see only the bad, I have not noticed the good for a long time! Good is what people consider good, but in reality, life is a complete lie. And no one knows what is good and what is bad. If it were that simple, then there would be no problem ...
1. I do not believe my eyes again
I’m all for this meeting will give
may be with me on the way
I know you have to leave now.

CHORUS: I wish you of a thousand stars,
very bright ….,
I wish you from a thousand tears
the sweetest …
I wish you a thousand meetings of one,
very happy …
I wish you from a thousand nights,
the longest ..

2.Mozhet be you remember me
Or I’ll come to you in a dream
Again you will hear my voice
The meaning of words is still easy

CHORUS: I wish you of a thousand stars,
very bright ….,
I wish you from a thousand tears
the sweetest …
I wish you a thousand meetings of one,
very happy …
I wish you from a thousand nights,
the longest ..

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