Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Your wife grows your plants now, too?

How are you, old friend!
Hi bro! I am very glad to see you! Sorry for not answering right away .. and not only you, there were small family circumstances !!

Everything else in personal correspondence!

How are you, how is your garden?

My son turned 20 this year and I am trying to be patient with his career move and decision making.
Our children are the same age, just like you and me!

Bro, where are you from, if it's not a secret?
It's not a problem ..

I'm in the U.S. Where the children are spoiled and don't have much moral these days. However, some of us are old school and try to
Correct those ways of the New Era (no discipline, disrespectful).

I was looking at the Vertical Grow Tent designed by Vivosun I do believe. It looks Great but Confusing at the same time.
I was like Sedan's model looks easier than this. I believe they set it up to make it cost more money to consumers.
It's not a problem ..

I'm in the U.S. Where the children are spoiled and don't have much moral these days. However, some of us are old school and try to
Correct those ways of the New Era (no discipline, disrespectful).

I was looking at the Vertical Grow Tent designed by Vivosun I do believe. It looks Great but Confusing at the same time.
I was like Sedan's model looks easier than this. I believe they set it up to make it cost more money to consumers.
There are many ways to grow vertically. Not all of them are expensive.
It's not a problem ..

I'm in the U.S. Where the children are spoiled and don't have much moral these days. However, some of us are old school and try to
Correct those ways of the New Era (no discipline, disrespectful).
And the saddest thing is that the same metamorphosis occurs with adults. The fall in morals is a product of civilization. Which suggests that the world is rolling in the wrong direction in general. This could be justified on condition of the general welfare of society. This is not the case, neither in America nor in Europe, most of the people survive and spend most of their lives in order to feed their families and children. Maybe it seems to them that they are free, but this is not so, they are all slaves of loans, banks and tax services, employers who do not allow them to relax even for a minute, because, in the next economic crisis, this castle can collapse like a house of cards ...

I was looking at the Vertical Grow Tent designed by Vivosun I do believe. It looks Great but Confusing at the same time.
I was like Sedan's model looks easier than this. I believe they set it up to make it cost more money to consumers.
Here, more emphasis should be placed not on aesthetics or cost, but here, first of all, attention should be paid to the functionality of the installation.
In fact, successes are far from what we would like.))

Already the second grower in a tent, to Mars Hydro, the same movie ...

It was a very hot summer ... On the veg everything seems to be fine, I turn to flowering, it begins .. first a block, then a yellowish ..

you have to extinguish the power of the light, as well as keep the lamp at the highest possible point ... Thus, the buds do not develop as we would like ... Now it has become a little cooler, the plants have come to life a little ...

Such cases at the moment


To be continued...
What, you gave up on vertical gardening? Say it ain't so!
No, my rods are now being prepared for vertical installation. It's just a very long story, so I'm not showing it yet. And here I am testing the Mars Hydro lamp.

...also sent me such a lamp from a Moscow company. It consists of Samsung and OSRAM diodes.


Hi Bro!

Only light is expensive, the rest can be done simply.

You need to make a pallet so that water does not pour on the floor. and water was easy to collect.

Thanks I'll elevate it up and get the water collected.

I was thinking that when I elevate I can curve up the edges.
See the drawing.

Got gifted more plants thought I could get them in too...


  • IMG_6540.jpg
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You lose soooooo much time by growing the plants from babies in there. That is a space for blooming plants; there should never be anything in veg in there!

Grow your babies in another, smaller space that is better suited for small plants. When they get big, transplant them into larger buckets. Then, only when they are nearly ready to bloom, move them into your blooming space. In this way your blooming space is many times more productive.

Doing it in such a way allows for about 6 crops per year, one every other month. The additional space needed is minimal since small plants in veg don't need so much room.

Your missile silo is very pretty; you should be loading and firing as many green rockets from it as you can, comrade!
Thanks I'll elevate it up and get the water collected.

I was thinking that when I elevate I can curve up the edges.
See the drawing.

Got gifted more plants thought I could get them in too...
Yes, you planned the grid correctly.
Thanks I'll elevate it up and get the water collected.

I was thinking that when I elevate I can curve up the edges.
See the drawing.

Got gifted more plants thought I could get them in too...

I did it today in half an hour. I used my father's old chair))) - sawed off the back and turned it over, the basket cost me $ 4, polycarbonate $ 1.
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