Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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i would inform the authorities regarding their claiming monies which they are doing fraudulently whilst pissing on their downtrodden staff/workforce.
The covid funding shit was forced through without any proper legislation, any thought, any oversight. Nothing.. Just to throw as much tax payers money to corporations as possible to "retain staff". But somehow, it's only "strongly encouraged" that they don't shit on their staff if they receive this money. No risk other than to their reputation
Christ, i thought this was a grow thread, that has somewhat convoluted into just back and forth arguments now.
My plants in veg currently are wayyyy too tall, so it looks like I'm going to have to do some sort of ghetto vertical setup for the next cycle. Will have plenty of grow content to share over the next month or so
Thank you for your help with my ventilation problem for grow room. It is -6C outside. What hood do you recommend?
Bro, I don’t think the outside temperature is important for the exhaust from the room to the outside.

But for the influx from the street, this is a different question, of course. As a rule, in such cases, I recommend using a fan with a dimer for the inflow from the street. and to compensate for power, if necessary, use an additional inflow from an adjacent warm room. If we are talking about the inflow into the tent, then if in winter ... or in general, the temperature is very low and can freeze plants, then a tee with adjustable dampers should be used in the air duct line. Those. one outlet of the tee goes outside, the second goes into the tent, and the third takes air from the warm room where the tent or box is located. The point is that when the outside temperature is low, we can regulate the temperature of the air supplied to the tent by mixing cold air from the outside and warm air from the room through the dampers.

Christ, i thought this was a grow thread, that has somewhat convoluted into just back and forth arguments now.

Bro, I misunderstood you a little. If you are talking about a dispute between me and my new friend from Canada, then this is not a dispute, but an exchange of information. I tried to express the thought by the law of physics, namely the Theory of Relativity of Albert Einstein. Which means that in one place there is a problem, and in another it is a trifle that no one pays attention to, since here the problems are much more serious and no one will pay attention to such incidents, because this is a trifle. This means that in Ukraine, a 10% reduction in wages for employees during the crisis would not have caused any particular resonance. And the fact that it is legal or not will probably not surprise anyone either, because in Ukraine all business is conducted with these or other violations of Ukrainian legislation. I will give a small example: in Ukraine the system is set up in such a way that an entrepreneur does not pay taxes in full, but pays bribes to the tax inspectorate. Further, this money is distributed according to the veotikal of power and is locked in the president of Ukraine. This is not necessarily the current or past president of Ukraine - it has always been. It is for this reason that Ukraine has such a budget deficit that it cannot cover the scanty needs to improve the socio-economic situation of the country. Another example, I read this in the Washington Post: this is official information: the American government is exerting undisguised impudent pressure on the government of Ukraine. I remember two vivid cases in recent times: the first is the person you cannot talk about here))), being at that time the US Vice President, told the President of Ukraine the following (almost literally): if you do not immediately dismiss the Prosecutor General of Ukraine from position, you will not receive money from us. The prosecutor was immediately dismissed. I do not know why this prosecutor turned out to be so displeasing to the American government that he was ordered to be fired. And also, for some reason, the US vice president disliked the prosecutor general of Ukraine so much that he publicly called this prosecutor "Son of a bitch." I don’t know what relation the same character, whose name I don’t mention here, had any relation to the gas companies operating in Ukraine, so as not to cause hysteria. So this man ordered the same President of Ukraine to raise gas prices by 70%. And what is most interesting, Bro, is that President Poroshenko, wishing to curry favor with the US government, raised the gas price not by 70, but by 100%.))) What was the reason that the US was so worried about gas prices in Ukraine, maybe they wanted to remove competitors, maybe the United States wanted the people of Ukraine to start howling like wolves at the moon .. but in the end, ordinary Ukrainians suffered, because it becomes unrealistic for them to pay for gas in their apartment. Because the rent with all utilities costs almost as much as a monthly salary. Now in Ukraine the salary of ordinary people is almost equal to the monthly rent. What do you think: ordinary people will be able to pay rent or not? Now in Ukraine, most of the people do not pay for the rent in full, because they are not able, especially for pensioners and the poor, which in Ukraine now the majority are people who live in constant need .. I'm not talking about $ 5000, I'm talking about 5000 hryvnias is 200 $. They also raised the gas tariff. which affected only ordinary people. In villages, private houses, where autonomous gas heating is installed, gas costs even more per month. Ordinary people from the villages have no choice but to engage in illegal logging in order to heat their homes with wood or freeze in winter. But we do not forget that illegal deforestation is punishable under the Criminal Code of Ukraine by imprisonment for 5 years. Just imagine - you are a hired worker on some farm, you honestly work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, get a monthly salary, it seems that everything is fine with you .. NO - you have a difficult choice: either you go to steal the state forest and if you get caught, you get a prison sentence, or your family .. children, wives, grandfathers, grandmothers .. freeze in winter in an unheated house. What would you choose? I do not tell fables .. Where I live, few can afford to clearly pay the rent. I myself already have big debts for rent. Debts are piling up .. the government will never solve this problem. If they start taking away apartments and houses for non-payment of rent. then ordinary Ukrainians will still be left homeless! This already happened in the 90s with us, then it all ended in default. Just after ..))))) ... artificially bankrupted and forced to capitulate the USSR. In addition, President Gorbychov received the Nobel Prize. for this breakthrough.))) Breakthrough in the ass called Perestroika! Now there is also a default and a complete collapse of the country's economy. Because every second dollar in the budget of Ukraine is a dollar borrowed from the IMF, and it will have to be given back soon or borrowed again in order to pay off the previous debt (there have already been such cases) ...

And I wanted to spit on those brainless people on this forum in the section on politics, where I was banned. I have my own opinion! I evaluate people by their actions, by their morality, by their human qualities, and not by advertising booklets of an election campaign and paid advertisements, in the form of hot news in some CNN.

Another vivid example about the real president of Ukraine Zelensky. He owns a large road construction company. Of course, this company receives all the sweetest contracts in Ukraine, but this is not the main thing .. Ukraine, to fight the virus, this was allocated a large amount from the fund that is located abroad .. I don’t remember exactly, like the IMF .. most likely again a loan ... The President of Ukraine Zelensky decided to deal with this money a little differently: he counted ... and pushed it to parliament with his proposal - he considered that during the deepest crisis in Ukraine, as well as problems with the coronavirus, it is more necessary to build roads in Ukraine. These are the roads that Ukraine needs most of all now. He bit off a large sum of money from a coronavirus loan to build a supernova freeway. On the one hand, you can understand him, he is worried about the roads in Ukraine being the same as in Germany.)))))) This is simply necessary on the eve of default!))) But this is not the point: I worked in the construction industry for a long time before the war, I know exactly how the construction business is conducted in Ukraine .. Everything there is also very unclean and criminal. About 40-50% of the cost of a construction project is simply stolen through various criminal schemes, and after that. the remaining 60-50% goes directly to the construction site. Thus, large construction companies in Ukraine earn a lot of money.)) This stolen money is directed not only to the thief's pocket according to the schemes. Part of the money is spent on bribes to profile officials ... government services that control the spending of funds on this construction site, etc. Thus, the money intended to fight the virus goes partly to officials. who immediately take them offshore and then buy their own villas and yachts at that time. when an entire country is shaken by horrible events and essentially survives ...

Bro. if my English is so bad or you do not understand something from my post, then ask questions, I will be happy to answer you. But still, I hope that I have fully explained to you why in Ukraine, your intentions or principles to achieve justice are absolutely useless if the main thief is the president of the country. Where to complain?

Also, I again tried to explain to you that, for example, if there is only one problem left in Ukraine, it is that businessmen of all stripes, using some kind of real tragedy, cut a meager part of the workers' wages, then Ukraine would be just as wonderful, economically stable and culturally developed country. which is Canada at the moment. To be honest, I don’t remember the last time I heard about Canada, that there were some negative events on a global scale .. they simply do not exist! In my opinion, this is a calm and tolerant country. And the fact that any powerful person, to achieve his goal, often uses means that are far from being disingenuous. But everything depends not on these people, but on the general well-being of the nation, to which Canada, as it was rightly noted here, is not inferior to the advanced European powers.
Ok dispute then, not arguments, lol, your English is superb my friend, and far better than my Russian, which is none existent.
Bro, I don’t think the outside temperature is important for the exhaust from the room to the outside.

But for the influx from the street, this is a different question, of course. As a rule, in such cases, I recommend using a fan with a dimer for the inflow from the street. and to compensate for power, if necessary, use an additional inflow from an adjacent warm room. If we are talking about the inflow into the tent, then if in winter ... or in general, the temperature is very low and can freeze plants, then a tee with adjustable dampers should be used in the air duct line. Those. one outlet of the tee goes outside, the second goes into the tent, and the third takes air from the warm room where the tent or box is located. The point is that when the outside temperature is low, we can regulate the temperature of the air supplied to the tent by mixing cold air from the outside and warm air from the room through the dampers.

The ducting that you have described is installed for a central system with capacity to provide HVAC for 10 rooms. Fresh heated, humidified air is ducted into my grow room. The grow room has insufficient insulation and subject to heat loss and dry air. I use small heater, ac, humidifier and de-humidifier in my grow room to adjust the temp and humidity. These appliances may be more efficient if I place them in a air mixing chamber. Do you have a recommended design for a 2m3 air mixing chamber?
Ok dispute then, not arguments, lol, your English is superb my friend, and far better than my Russian, which is none existent.
I would not pay attention to this, but now, when the slight frosts began, it became very cold in my apartment, even an electric heater does not help. I go to bed dressed as if I were on the street, except I don’t wear a hat with earflaps.)))

It turns out that I need to pay for central heating (for the gas that Ba *** gave me - at two prices))))) The batteries are barely warm!!! And also, I pay for an electric heater - this is a bonus in catching up!)))) It turns out that together with lamps in my garden, I pay about $ 100 just for electricity. But these are trifles - the main payment for an apartment is heating and hot water, which is natural gas.

The ducting that you have described is installed for a central system with capacity to provide HVAC for 10 rooms. Fresh heated, humidified air is ducted into my grow room. The grow room has insufficient insulation and subject to heat loss and dry air. I use small heater, ac, humidifier and de-humidifier in my grow room to adjust the temp and humidity. These appliances may be more efficient if I place them in a air mixing chamber. Do you have a recommended design for a 2m3 air mixing chamber?
I use a conventional ventilation tee.

Just install the fan between the tent and the tee. When it's cold outside. you take more air from the room - you block part of the air from the window with a damper, the air duct from the room is completely open. If it's hot outside, then vice versa.


You can cut the shutter out of thin plastic or something similar.
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I would not pay attention to this, but now, when the slight frosts began, it became very cold in my apartment, even an electric heater does not help. I go to bed dressed as if I were on the street, except I don’t wear a hat with earflaps.)))

It turns out that I need to pay for central heating (for the gas that Ba *** gave me - at two prices))))) The batteries are barely warm!!! And also, I pay for an electric heater - this is a bonus in catching up!)))) It turns out that together with lamps in my garden, I pay about $ 100 just for electricity. But these are trifles - the main payment for an apartment is heating and hot water, which is natural gas.

I use a conventional ventilation tee.

Just install the fan between the tent and the tee. When it's cold outside. you take more air from the room - you block part of the air from the window with a damper, the air duct from the room is completely open. If it's hot outside, then vice versa.

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You can cut the shutter out of thin plastic or something similar.
Thank you for the info. Tee with dampers will give more control in regulation heat and AC. The mixed forced air will be ducted into center of tent at floor aimed at ceiling. On another note, I started to train a DNA Genetics OG Kush for vertical grow. Some branches snapped away from the main stem. I used tape to rejoin the branch. Trellis is only 30cm x 150cm. I need to install a 120cm x 120cm trellis at 120cm height with extra for the walls. Do you have material to recommend for trellis?
The mixed forced air will be ducted into center of tent at floor aimed at ceiling.
It is not necessary in the center, you can install the supply and extract diagonally. The inflow is at the bottom, the exhaust is at the top opposite. The tents have holes diagonally.
Do you have material to recommend for trellis?
This is a galvanized welded mesh that is used in construction for plastering. We sell it in hardware stores.


This mesh is very easy to work with. Any shape can be specified.

Take a thickness of 2 mm, and the cell size is 50X50 mm.
Some branches snapped away from the main stem. I used tape to rejoin the branch.
Show me a photo.
Not my pic but shows my tent layout. It is a single room. 640W led QB on ceiling. 2x 26 liter pots on the floor for 2 large plants. OG Kush reached the ceiling and now I have it trained on the shelf. In the larger area, I have one plant for a 120 cm x 120cm canopy but located lower than the shelf. Thoughts?


  • large-dual-chamber-front-open.jpg
    111 KB · Views: 4
OG Kush reached the ceiling and now I have it trained on the shelf. In the larger area, I have one plant for a 120 cm x 120cm canopy but located lower than the shelf. Thoughts?
That is why I asked to show you a photo of your garden in order to give you the right advice, I do not really understand from the words, Bro!
That is why I asked to show you a photo of your garden in order to give you the right advice, I do not really understand from the words, Bro!
Sometimes I can visualize better with my eyes closed. Pic of my tent shows 3 windows. In the small upper right window is OG Kush. The main window on left is for one plant. Pic of the snapped branch. Next time I will be more careful and use elastic band trick.


  • og2.PNG
    1.9 MB · Views: 8
Sometimes I can visualize better with my eyes closed. Pic of my tent shows 3 windows. In the small upper right window is OG Kush. The main window on left is for one plant. Pic of the snapped branch. Next time I will be more careful and use elastic band trick.
Yes, the elastic band is more comfortable to work with
My wife's job

Light and tent from the Moscow company "Mini Fеrmer."


The last stage of the vegetative periodThe last stage of the vegetative period




Flowering 2 weeks.

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